I can get a little raw chicken sandwich action at work...
I'm so hungry but so afraid to eat. The cafe at work will now be only for beverages and packaged items like hummus and pretzels.
This is the struggle. I love raw fish, meat.... But chicken is not a raw item that one ever wishes to consume. Maybe a little food poisoning before my vacay will get this body looking right!!!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/19/2014 22:16 #59109
I love it when05/30/2014 14:45 #59030
Dear Chris Belcher 1977I don't approve of cyber bullying and you're unsolicited message is an example of the faceless and baseless comments unhappy people feel they can hide behind because they are sent electronically rather than in person. If you have something to say, say it to my face.
PS. I really love my giant grey alien eyes. :)
guest says: Hey,
I know you are trying to look all hot and cute in your pics but please baby-girl wear some sunglasses when you go out in public ( keep them on ALL the time ) because...... I swear to GOD I've seen bigger eyeballs on a cow !!!! JESUS CHRIST ! you know they say your eyes never grow, they are full size from the day you are born. I can't imagine what you looked like as a baby?!! .....I got it....a "GRAY ALIEN". LOL! OH, You poor girl........
PS. I really love my giant grey alien eyes. :)
guest says: Hey,
I know you are trying to look all hot and cute in your pics but please baby-girl wear some sunglasses when you go out in public ( keep them on ALL the time ) because...... I swear to GOD I've seen bigger eyeballs on a cow !!!! JESUS CHRIST ! you know they say your eyes never grow, they are full size from the day you are born. I can't imagine what you looked like as a baby?!! .....I got it....a "GRAY ALIEN". LOL! OH, You poor girl........
tinypliny - 05/31/14 15:12
LOL, better than having the dinkiest eyes on the planet. {me :P}
LOL, better than having the dinkiest eyes on the planet. {me :P}
ExBuffalonian - 05/31/14 13:01
That guy sounds like a complete moron. If he thinks having big, beautiful eyes is a negative, he doesn't know what he's doing. He needs to do a google-image search on actresses and models like Penelope Cruz and Anne Hathaway. Ignore the troll.
That guy sounds like a complete moron. If he thinks having big, beautiful eyes is a negative, he doesn't know what he's doing. He needs to do a google-image search on actresses and models like Penelope Cruz and Anne Hathaway. Ignore the troll.
paul - 05/30/14 15:08
What a douche. Who cares.
What a douche. Who cares.
05/24/2014 09:36 #59013
I'm aliveJust in case (e:Paul) was still wondering. I've been in new boyfriend mode and I've haven't been good about being in touch, with anyone. That combined with the fact that my job is to sit on the phone in front of a computer for hours.... I can't stand using the phone or computers during my free time.
I feel like so much has happened in the past four months, and nothing has happened at all. Since posting this requires the use of technology, I'll just make a list of what I've been up to:
Ok that list turned into paragraphs. I'm officially moving out of my mothers house in August and while I adore her, I can't wait. This is possibly my final entry into real adulthood- aka I'm old and boring. But I still look young!
I can't wait too see me peeps in a month!!!! :)

I feel like so much has happened in the past four months, and nothing has happened at all. Since posting this requires the use of technology, I'll just make a list of what I've been up to:
- new boyfriend
- broken phone
- new phone that I accidentally put in a cup of water for 10 hrs miraculously works minus the back camera(which I'm going to replace once I work some more OT)
- the AC in my car broke, and I drove it around from the past month(it's already really hot here)
- i bought my first brand new car yesterday!!!! It doesn't even feel like it's mine, and I'm going to be the crazy who parks away from everyone else and doesn't let anyone in my car with food or anything that will stain it.... A 2014 Hyundai Accent
- my job is kinda awesome and kinda the worst ever, I'm either going to hold out for a better position or do an online business grad program and have them pay for it
Ok that list turned into paragraphs. I'm officially moving out of my mothers house in August and while I adore her, I can't wait. This is possibly my final entry into real adulthood- aka I'm old and boring. But I still look young!
I can't wait too see me peeps in a month!!!! :)

paul - 05/25/14 16:53
Are you guys moving in together?
Are you guys moving in together?
03/23/2014 03:04 #58820
NightmareI was in the middle of a terrible fucked nightmare when my boyfriend called me from Vegas to tell me he misses me. I'm angry and relieved.
One, don't call me when you know I'm sleeping. Two, thanks for calling because I woke up so terrified and grateful to not have to be in that nightmare anymore.
The nightmare consisted of me and two coworkers. They had suddenly turned into wild animals and were attacking me... I know in the dream I was really scared of them and they attacked me because I wouldn't do something they asked. Also.... At some point in the dream I got angry with my man for lying to me about when he was coming home.
I hate dreams that involve real people, because they usually do things that are messed up and then I wake up confused thinking they did these bad things and I become skeptical of them for at least a day.
I also woke up in a hot sweat from being covered on too many blankets. Lately, when I sleep I go to bed really cold and wake up hot. Plus the hives and itchiness are bad this week. I have a lump on my thyroid that is 4cm and I'm going to have to have it biopsied which scares me. I can't wait to just get it over with though, because I have been having strange health problems for over a year. Then I get anxiety which makes it worse....
Note to self, turn off your phone when you go to bed. Unless ur having a nightmare and your boyfriend who just lied to you in your dreams can pull you out of it- but you might still be mad about the fake lie.

One, don't call me when you know I'm sleeping. Two, thanks for calling because I woke up so terrified and grateful to not have to be in that nightmare anymore.
The nightmare consisted of me and two coworkers. They had suddenly turned into wild animals and were attacking me... I know in the dream I was really scared of them and they attacked me because I wouldn't do something they asked. Also.... At some point in the dream I got angry with my man for lying to me about when he was coming home.
I hate dreams that involve real people, because they usually do things that are messed up and then I wake up confused thinking they did these bad things and I become skeptical of them for at least a day.
I also woke up in a hot sweat from being covered on too many blankets. Lately, when I sleep I go to bed really cold and wake up hot. Plus the hives and itchiness are bad this week. I have a lump on my thyroid that is 4cm and I'm going to have to have it biopsied which scares me. I can't wait to just get it over with though, because I have been having strange health problems for over a year. Then I get anxiety which makes it worse....
Note to self, turn off your phone when you go to bed. Unless ur having a nightmare and your boyfriend who just lied to you in your dreams can pull you out of it- but you might still be mad about the fake lie.

03/21/2014 17:11 #58810
Being in lurveIt's been soooo long! I think I forgot what this felt like... Thinking about someone all the time, getting excited to see them, walking around with a dumb smile. That's me.
I just feel so lucky to be with someone who is so sweet and cares about me so much and never hesitates to show me. Plus he's super handsome, smells amazing, and has the best style. Le sigh!
He's just so kind and giving and happy... Life is good.
I'm coming to Buffalo the last week of June for a family trip! My mom rented a house for my whole fam and is treating us all to a vacay! Can't wait to see all my peeps and possibly bring my man for everyone to meet.:)

I just feel so lucky to be with someone who is so sweet and cares about me so much and never hesitates to show me. Plus he's super handsome, smells amazing, and has the best style. Le sigh!
He's just so kind and giving and happy... Life is good.
I'm coming to Buffalo the last week of June for a family trip! My mom rented a house for my whole fam and is treating us all to a vacay! Can't wait to see all my peeps and possibly bring my man for everyone to meet.:)

That's what I thought but recently when reading about the history of sashimi I came across toriwasa.