Make vodka lemonade with basil....
I actually really don't drink much but that sounds really good right now.
So much has happened thus far in 2014 I feel like 8 months have passed and I haven't stopped to take it all in.
Being in a relationship has been so amazing, I know I haven't been the best friend or sister or anything lately but it's hard to not want to be around the person you love all the time.
I've also been really consumed by work and the constant struggle of getting promoted is draining. I'm at a standstill now and even though I've only been there 9 1/2 months I've never worked so hard to prove myself and it's discouraging to have so many interviews and have so many rejections. It will ultimately just motivate me even more to work harder at finding a better job. I don't know how
(e:terry) worked an inbound call job for so long... It's a 10 hour day of allowing people to vent and be angry about situations you have nothing to do with. I can handle customer service but this is just relentless and depresses me. I love the amazing benefits but the work itself is pretty much the same day after day... Time for an alumni membership and some serious networking.
I just got a second job driving for über which I think will be interesting and profitable for the short term. My goal is to do this for about 6 months and pay off my car and all my credit card debit and a chunk of my student loans. My coworker drives for them on his days off and makes some serious cash so why not?!
I seriously love having a new car...
Finally moving out of the parental home and into an apartment with my man... Super excited to have my own home with my guy. We are shooting for a month from now if not sooner.
I am in a kickball league and learning hoe to play on a team... A new challenge as I mostly despise team sports and cheering and all that. I actually won the game for us last week.
I miss my sweet little nieces so much, hopefully I'll stop being so broke soon and I can't visit this fall. On the note of being broke my bank was hacked this past week- hackers need to get right and steal from people who actually have money. That in addition to major hive breakout and being subjected to my mothers' two week long 60th party celebration in which I've been staying at random places because she gave my room to her guests has been probably the worst week yet of 2014.... She has every right to do that however it sucks to miss my luxurious bed and smart TV...
And then I remember that I have heath care and no imminent threat of Ebola and I think overall my life is pretty damn good. Later peeps, love ya!
Congrats on love. So you are a a taxi driver now?!