Last night while
(e:paul) and
(e:terry) were at a wedding, I decided to go on a bike ride with
(e:libertad), and our new ginger Joe friend. We rode around for a little bit before deciding to go on the new First Friday party ride.
It was really awesome. Henry from GObike just started it last month. He had a gigantic speaker in a kid's trailer to provide music. We started at Colonial Circle, rode down through the west side, up to the bike path and rose garden, and finished down at the Liberty Hound. There we met Kerry before riding home to meet Paul and Terry.
I can't wait for next month's ride. Every first friday of the month at 8pm, Colonial Circle.

The same guy that made
(e:paul)'s robot shirts was chalking at the Allen Street First Friday

The theme for the ride was Hawaiian shirts and leis - the leis were pot leaves

The bike parking garage
Wow. That is a Hollywood actor!
If I'm not mistaken, that is Max Sandvoss who played a very beautiful Mormon guy in the movie "Latter Days" (still one of my all-time favourite gay movies) in 2003. Apparently he and his brother keep goats and make cheese. "Blessed be the cheesemakers", I say :)
Oh ya, I've seen him! What a babe.
He is the one on the right in this photo.
Their cheese curds are delicious too :::link:::