Yesterday I had to watch a mud puddle for an hour.
Work had me go out to some sprawly street in Hamburg for a septic system perc test. Basically, you dig holes in the ground, fill them with water, and measure how fast the water is absorbed, so you can design how big the septic system needs to be. It's as interesting as it sounds.
When I got there, the contractor was being a dick to me, for riding a bike there (I was early), for not knowing where to test (my boss said the contractor should know) - but I talked to him for a while, he got much nicer and apologized for being rude before.
On the positive side, I got to leave the office to ride my bike for 16 more miles, making 34 for the day). The weather was amazing. I still want another job.

It's an Episcopalian tradition to paint the North South and East doors red. I think it is why the Rolling Stones sang "I see a red door and I want to paint it back). Jagger was singing about church doors. It's like the sign of the cross combined with red color of the blood of Christ.