Joe's Journal
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05/12/2014 12:19 #58974
Amish lifeCategory: house
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When we got home we had our own Amish experience. The power went out on at least three different circuits in the back of the house, including the kitchen, living room and stove. Flipping the breakers did nothing, so who knows what is going on with the wiring. Getting ready for Mother's day was so fun with a fridge full of spoiled food, a dead dishwasher full of dirty dishes, and no oven or microwave, but we managed to pull it off.
05/12/2014 12:09 #58973
HörspieleCategory: deutsch
I can't always understand every word, so I last week I wrote him and asked for the texts to the ones I had. Awesomely, he wrote me back with both transcripts and his newest play.
It's crazy to think how accessible the internet makes language learning. Even 20 years ago I think your only resources for self-taught language learning was the library, and whatever media you could order in the mail. Now I can write a German author about a play he wrote 15 years ago and get the transcript of it almost immediately.
He wrote back:
Lieber Joe Herzig,
es freut mich sehr, dass Ihnen meine Hörspiele gefallen. Ich erinnere mich auch gut an Paul und Terry und denke sehr gern an sie zurück. Vielleicht können Sie sie ganz herzlich von mir grüßen.
Ich schicke Ihnen gern die Texte; sie sind urheberechtlich geschützt.
Der 'Stopper'-Text stimmt wahrscheinlich nicht gänzliich überein mit der Hörspiel-Version.
Ich schicke Ihnen noch ein zusätzliches Stück - Das verlorene Paradies - vielelicht gefällt es Ihnen auch. Das Hörspiel schicke ich via WeTransfer.
Ihr Deutsch ist super - 10x besser als mein Englisch ...
Herzlichen Gruß, Tim
Dear Joe,
I am very happy to hear that you like my radioplays. I remember Paul and Terry well and like to think back on them. Maybe you can give them my regards.
I am gladly sending you the texts, they are protected by copywrite. The "Stopper"-text is probably not the same as the radioplay version.
I am sending you an additional piece - Paradise Lost - maybe you like it too. That radioplay I send via WeTransfer.
Your German is super - 10x better than my English.
Best Regards,
05/12/2014 12:05 #58972
Mother's Day dinnerCategory: family
Luckily (e:mike) had bought the food and prepared some of it at his house, and we still had a stove. He definitely saved the day on that one.
(e:Paul) and Mike's parents came, and so did mine, plus Emily and Daniel. Everyone seemed to have a really good time. I was really happy at how great our familes got along.
Random snacks on the fox tray
Grillmeister Paul
A bunch of delicious food - I'll have to take everyone's word on the steak, shrimp and chicken though.
Fancy fruit and whipped cream and chocolate drizz in champagne flutes. Presentation is always important
Dessert time
Then it was dark and we couldn't really clean in a candlelit kitchen. We watched Teen Wolf before passing out super early.
05/12/2014 12:04 #58971
Spring camping at BrushwoodCategory: camping
It was such an amazing day - an emergency called camping came up so I had to leave work early. We met (e:heidi) and (e:dianne) down at the campsite.
The Brushwood hoarder bus (e:paul,58969) wonders about
Someone hung tampons in the tree - glad they weren't used
The first night it rained most of the time. (e:paul) was not a happy camper.
But he did have a gaybrella to keep himself from melting
Dead things
On top of it the rain, the car died after the first night because things kept running off the battery. Just enough battery was left to hit (e:terry).
The next day was a lot nicer weatherwise. Paul and I even got to go nackt. Not long enough to burn though.
Lots of frisbee and balls
The patent-pending firebuilding method from Paul
Terry made us a nice eggy breakfast Sunday morning. Then we packed up to head home and get ready for mother's day.
05/12/2014 11:59 #58970
Tonawanda RideCategory: bikes
Almost derailed the train
On the way back we rode through Ken-Ton. (e:paul) had gotten home from a work party and was with his friend Tim. Total betrunken aber spass.
We stopped at this Tops before we turned around. These cookies are a thing.
Tim was wearing a New York Liberty WNBA hat (not sure why I know of any WNBA teams)
In terms of the faiths that live their beliefs they are pretty hardcore... But one thing I like is that you are brought up that way... But then you have a time where you can leave and decide is your faith and the Amish way the way to live or you want to be in normal society but by your self... I don't know of any other faiths that do that ......