You fucked up everything you have done to me. From the filling I had to get touched up twice, to the adding space for me to floss easier which lead to the root canal you totally fucked up.
I complained several times over the last year about the pain from the root canal tooth and you kept saying it had to "settle down". At the same time the infection from the nerve canal you missed and which turned the nerve into a "mushy mass of infection" that leaked out the bottom of my tooth and into my jaw bone.
Today after an hour and a half of non stop drilling, an endodontist hopefully corrected most of that. For the next several weeks I will have a temporary filling and roots packed with medication.
Then I go back for one last root canal/clean out in that tooth followed by getting a fucking filling to cap the the expensive zirconia crown that is now just a piece of crap.
I hate you. Luckily the endodontist works for the same group and the retreatment was paid for by the company
I'm going to a dentist on Tuesday I should not have read this.... I've had a gag reflex (that kills the social life HA sorry Had to go there) and I wouldn't say I was traumatized as a kid but it was close... So it keeps me away from them... but got bad enough I had to go and went wrong place and go in Tuesday for sedation ..... But the one place I went to had this list of all this stuff that could go wrong .... It almost seemed like by signing it was saying you get this stuff might happen even if we do our job right so if it does you are screwed ... But made me so nervous.... Hope everything is fixed up....
I am so sorry to hear all this and I hope you feel better soon! Sending a zillion good vibes your way!
Wow... This makes me so much less likely to go to the dentist. I really need to go to the dentist...