Joe's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/30/2013 19:12 #58402
Happy Hardcore and German communistsCategory: music
(e:paul) has gotten the weirdest two songs stuck in my head. The first one is "Your Smile" by Charly Lownoise. It's a happy hardcore song thats so 90s it hurts. But its so much more driving and upbeat than most EDM thats big now I don't even know how to dance to it. It makes me work like crazy.
The second song is called "Jungend Erwach" about young communists rebuilding east Germany. I really have nothing else to say but the lyrics are pretty sunny and apolitical for what I'd think a communist children's song would be.
11/30/2013 16:15 #58401
Watch out for that hoochCategory: drugs
I found this at the turkey trot. how ridiculous did the person writing this feel when they had to list alcohols "street names"?

ExBuffalonian - 12/02/13 14:14
I can't believe the missed Life blood, mothers' milk, and Jesus juice.
I can't believe the missed Life blood, mothers' milk, and Jesus juice.
lilho - 12/01/13 18:41
paul - 12/01/13 17:07
My favorite is still brewskis. Why the ski suffix to brews. No hoochskis?
My favorite is still brewskis. Why the ski suffix to brews. No hoochskis?
tinypliny - 12/01/13 08:44
Sauce? Who knew.
Sauce? Who knew.
11/28/2013 13:46 #58378
Thanksgiving Eve at LafayetteCategory: dancing
For thanksgiving eve (e:paul), (e:terry), (e:xandra) and Jake went out to the Lafayette for their dance night. The place itself was awesomely done, there were DJs and music spread over four different floors and rooms. The crowd was pretty bro. We ran into a bunch of people including Michelle, the go bike girl whose name I can't remember, and (e:Robert) and Mickey.

This chick was dancing by herself, with the pole. She was real into it.

Michelle tearing it up with the hula hoop

Terry eating Paul's face


Not sure what this was about

Robert was drawing on a macbook which was getting projected inside

and outside on the building next door.

Someone forgot to fullscreen the video

Bounds 3 with James Franco, love it

This chick was dancing by herself, with the pole. She was real into it.

Michelle tearing it up with the hula hoop

Terry eating Paul's face


Not sure what this was about

Robert was drawing on a macbook which was getting projected inside

and outside on the building next door.

Someone forgot to fullscreen the video

Bounds 3 with James Franco, love it
11/27/2013 12:31 #58371
First Real Snow/Cliche snow picsCategory: weather
The first real snow of the year started yesterday. Snow is actually pretty exciting except that I want to ride my bike to work and I haven't bought new tires yet. I went on a run instead last night, and it was way easier to stay focused in the snow instead of the rain.

Linwood looks so amazing covered in fresh snow.

I was stuck driving to work and was behind this ancient truck. The exhaust was so rich I could smell gas in my car. It's so gross that trucks that old are exempt from emissions requirements in NYS.

I can't believe how bright Richmond is below the Ferry Circle. I realized it before but the snow makes it so much worse. I'm guessing they picked the brightest lights in the name of safety, but I could never sleep if I lived down there.

Collapsed stairs at Gates Circle. They were either working on them or the fill underneath got washed out somehow.

Linwood looks so amazing covered in fresh snow.

I was stuck driving to work and was behind this ancient truck. The exhaust was so rich I could smell gas in my car. It's so gross that trucks that old are exempt from emissions requirements in NYS.

I can't believe how bright Richmond is below the Ferry Circle. I realized it before but the snow makes it so much worse. I'm guessing they picked the brightest lights in the name of safety, but I could never sleep if I lived down there.

Collapsed stairs at Gates Circle. They were either working on them or the fill underneath got washed out somehow.

joe - 12/05/13 12:53
I used to love snow across the board. Not so much anymore, but there's still something about enjoying it from the inside or walking around Buffalo right after it falls that appeals to me.
I almost think waiting through winter makes summer and spring so much better than living in a warm weather climates. Then again, I've never lived outside of Buffalo or Cleveland so I don't know if that's true.
I used to love snow across the board. Not so much anymore, but there's still something about enjoying it from the inside or walking around Buffalo right after it falls that appeals to me.
I almost think waiting through winter makes summer and spring so much better than living in a warm weather climates. Then again, I've never lived outside of Buffalo or Cleveland so I don't know if that's true.
ExBuffalonian - 11/29/13 16:28
It's so funny. I hated snow when I lived in Buffalo. But now looking at these pictures, and remembering the time I spent there, gives me the warm and fuzzies. I guess I always remember things romantically, just the good parts and glossing over the negative ones. Very pretty though.
It's so funny. I hated snow when I lived in Buffalo. But now looking at these pictures, and remembering the time I spent there, gives me the warm and fuzzies. I guess I always remember things romantically, just the good parts and glossing over the negative ones. Very pretty though.
11/25/2013 23:46 #58358
PostcrossingCategory: random
A while back I signed up for this website post the concept is that you send a postcard to a randomly assigned stranger somewhere in the world, and then they get it your name comes up for another stranger to send you one. It sounds like the beginning of some lifetime movie where i get murdered, but i haven't so far. I sent three cards, two to a guy and girl in Germany, and one to a biologist out in Siberia.
I know its super old school, but there's something about having physical mail which I never really get, especially from another person. it'd be way easier and to chatroulette but this is kind of cool (and has way fewer old man penises).
Today I got a card from Taiwan from Sheng/Rita? it was pretty cute.

I know its super old school, but there's something about having physical mail which I never really get, especially from another person. it'd be way easier and to chatroulette but this is kind of cool (and has way fewer old man penises).
Today I got a card from Taiwan from Sheng/Rita? it was pretty cute.

Haha, I didn't know either of those songs in the 90s.
Welcome to what we did all during the 90s!