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11/21/2013 12:21 #58329

PAI Power hour
Category: politics
After work yesterday, (e:Terry) and I rode our bikes over to meet (e:YesThatCasey) at the PAI Power Hour at Niagara and Rhode Island. PAI is the Public Accountability Initiative group that tries to expose connections and conflicts of interest between powerful people and decision makers. I actually have heard about them before in the news and never knew they were based out of Buffalo!

The director, Kevin Connor, talked about what the group did, before leading a sort of walk through on how they approach an issue. They take an issue, list the power brokers involved, and start to find relationships between them to see who and how can be leveraged into accomplishing a change. One example they did was identify the Center for Sustainable Shale Development(fracking), allegedly an industry/environmentalist group for fracking, as a sham. PAI investigated all of the environmental groups involved and found they were funded by the Heinz Foundation, which was controlled by natural gas directors. The report the produced ended up causing three people, including the president of the Heinz Foundation, to resign and pretty much ended the CSSD. Link

The example we ran through was with Buffalo Public Schools, which ended up getting derailed into pretty pointless discussion.

One of their main tools is a site called Little Sis. It's kind of a database of important people to list their connections, donations they've made and recieved, organizations they're in etc, and can dynamically generate charts showing the relationships between different people. It was really an awesome tool, and was basically developed by Kevin and another developer out of NYC. Apparently it's all PHP and MySQL now, but they're working to migrate it over to Ruby. I wonder if they ever considered open sourcing something like this, it looked powerful.




11/20/2013 23:06 #58328

Google wants a cut
Category: privacy
Not that I really expect privacy using Google/NSA services for free, but I got this email the other day after reimbursing (e:Paul) for his services (really it was for a restaurant I think?).

Hello Joe,

It appears that you may be sending transactions that violate our Terms of Service for Send Money with Gmail.

Your Google Wallet account has recently come under review for a Terms of Service violation. Your transaction on 25 Oct 2013 for $25.00 to with the memo, “hookers and blow”, is in violation of Sections 6 and 7 of the Google Wallet Terms of Service for Send Money with Gmail. We may decline to process such transactions or close your account if we identify in the future that you are using your account for these purposes.

You can review the Terms of Service at: .

Please note that replies to this message are not monitored. If you experience any further issues with your Google Wallet Account, you may visit .

The Google Wallet Team

I think that is super creepy and a violation of privacy for them to be reading information put in Google Wallet memos, but I did agree to it in the Terms of Services agreement that I did not read.

Transaction Information: For each transaction, the transaction information about Google Wallet from us can be collected. This includes the date, time and the transaction amount, a description provided by the seller of the goods or services offered, photos that you have attached to the transaction, the name and e-mail addresses of the seller and buyer and the client and the recipient, the payment method used for your description of the reason for the transaction and, if the offer associated with the transaction.

Note to anyone using Google for anything financial related: you can opt out of sharing your transactions with marketers here.
joe - 11/23/13 14:50
Unfortunately the NFC features require access to the secure element on the SIM, which they use to encrypt the payment information from what I can tell [link=]Link[/link]. Since it's on the SIM the carrier controls access to it. I'm not sure what carriers allow access to it, but for at least AT&T they block Google Wallet's access and only allow their competing ISIS app to use it (which doesn't have half the features or card support that Google does.
tinypliny - 11/21/13 13:04
I am guessing here, but I think if you have an open Google phone + a Google voice account operating over wifi, you can use those NFC features. I have seen them being used.
tinypliny - 11/21/13 13:02
When you have infinite datasets, each of them petabytes or higher in size, classification and prediction algorithms become incredibly precise. There are no crippling distributional or parametric assumptions you need to make for your models because the real distribution of the data is available to you without any restrictions (I am drooling at this thought and (e:Paul) can understand why. ;))

If I were take a guess, it's not just the words, it's the nature of the words. I would speculate about the usage of the words "hookers" and "blow", the contexts in which they most occur, the demographic that is most likely to use these particular words, the geographical region they arose from (proximity to state/international borders etc).. the list of information extraction inferences are fascinating and endless. Put those all together, and its a flag serious enough to trigger that email.

Statistics is the most fascinating subject on the planet. :)
joe - 11/21/13 12:25
Google Wallet hooks up to your bank account through ACH I think. I almost never have cash, and since there's no transaction fee for bank transfers I can transfer money right out of my account to someone else's Wallet. They can either keep it in their wallet or transfer it into their bank account!

There's a bunch of other crazy awesome features it's supposed to do like NFC tap-to-pay with whatever credit cards you enter in your phone, but I don't think there is a carrier that allows it in the US.
libertad - 11/21/13 12:19
I'm just curious as to why you would use google wallet to pay someone back? So when you pay someone what do they do with the virtual money? It is funny that they flagged you for this!
joe - 11/21/13 12:12
I'm sure it is and I understand why it's monitored, and that it's likely never even come close to being looked at by a human . I just think it's crazy that they even monitor the memos automatically. Would someone actually using google wallet for drugs/prostitution really put it in the memo? It seems like the signal to noise ratio for something like that would be ridiculous!

Maybe not though, I mean who else is better at data mining than google?
tinypliny - 11/21/13 02:14
Money laundering and sex/drug trafficking is more prevalent than you think. For a free service, it's a massive nightmare to protect its interests in the face of >1 Billion users in the system. That is ~ 1/8th of the population on the planet. Most of this usage is very minimally monitored and that too by predictive/statistical machine-learning anonymized algorithms.

Think of how the govt. or the "Rockstar" consortium can use that to shut Google down and you will start to understand why this is so necessary.

11/20/2013 22:55 #58327

On that grind
Category: goals
I have so many projects and things I want to do and not enough time. I feel like outside of work I am going pretty much all the time, or feel guilty if I'm not. I have been so motivated lately that I don't want to give them up.

I want to :

Arduino/Raspberry Pi - There are so many awesome projects that I've seen and (e:Paul) and I have thought up, and we almost have all the hardware we need. The Arduinos themselves can be super frustrating to deal with but I think there is a lot of potential in what we can do if we can get around all the hardware and software quirks.

PHP - (e:Paul) got me back into programming. It's definitely much better this time around without slogging through . If I get good enough I want to freelance. Terry may have clients who could use help and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of work on Craigslist. Plus brushing up on my programming skills makes things at work and my other projects easier too.

Deutsch learnen - This has no practical use besides talking to (e:Paul) and (e:Terry), but it's really satisfying to learn so far, mostly through Duolingo. This is the first non-technical subject I've studied in almost 5 years, so it's nice to switch it up. Apparently second languages slow brain decline as you age ( Sorry I don't have a link to the OG study. I want to get to A2 (basic) level by March, which would be about 6 months.

Get more sleep - I'm practically narcoleptic lately. Hopefully this will change soon since I asked my boss to start at 8:30 instead of 7:30. It'd make it easier to bike to work.

This doesn't even count all the projects at my parents house that need to get done with whatever time on the weekends, or things like the tree planting. Or the fact that I should really try and see my old friends more and meet new people. Or doing things that don't really have any use but are still fun too.

A hustla's work is never through.

11/17/2013 22:19 #58320

fine Eyetalian dining
Category: food

Paul is definitely related to Clidia.




11/19/2013 12:26 #58322

hodown throwdown
Category: going out
(e:lilho) came back into town. Friday night (e:terry), (e:lilho), (e:mike), (e:libertad) and (e:casey) managed to pry (e:paul) and I away from the Arudinos for a few hours to go out to Cathode and then Marcella's. Another weekend, another crazy fun night.



Cray eyes



All decked in plaid - schwul!

Crossing the fence

twerkin it like a champion




lilho - 11/20/13 18:51
You did a great job of capturing the essence of the evening... A bunch of guys and one crazy girl ready to partay! So great to see to see you again!
sina - 11/20/13 05:00
lol :D :D
I love cary eyes, so funny