Sorry the mirror is so gross. I like the haircut but I prefer having my scruff back.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/14/2013 23:40 #58306
Haircut Before and AfterCategory: haircut
11/14/2013 23:34 #58305
Korean Food NightCategory: food
11/14/2013 21:49 #58300
Alaska Fur ExchangeCategory: fur
11/14/2013 19:00 #58298
Right or Left BrainedCategory: brain
My answer seems so surprising
joe - 11/14/13 22:52
69-31 !
My left brain is telling me this is so unscientific but maybe I can agree with the result.
69-31 !
My left brain is telling me this is so unscientific but maybe I can agree with the result.
tinypliny - 11/14/13 20:40
And there is no such thing. Its a non-replicable statistically flawed psychological construct.
And there is no such thing. Its a non-replicable statistically flawed psychological construct.
hodown - 11/14/13 20:02
I was almost the exact same percentages. Twinsies.
I was almost the exact same percentages. Twinsies.
For some reason the first photo is bizzare. Looks like the shower is sprouting from your head and it's snowing from the gash.
cute :-)