IDK what to title it, I just need to catch up!
On Saturday, I stopped at RadioShack to for some parts to fix an old air hockey table. They're now down to two racks of electronics parts, with the rest of the store selling phones and electronics you can get online for way less. I'm surprised they exist still.
Afterward I went to Goodwill to see if there was any good Halloween costume stuff. While I didn't find anything, I did see they were selling this giant full size VHS camcorder, and a B*Witched CD.
When I got home,
(e:terry) and I were going to check out Porchfest, but it was already over. I didn't hear too much about it so I don't think we missed anything?
Instead we headed over to
(e:YesThatCasey)'s new place to pick up Terry's bike and play some video games. They were all super weird. I'm terrible at video games but these were sort of manageable. Terry rode back while I ran.
Emily and Kevin came over from Falafel Bar since Kevin was home on fall break. It took a while, but eventually we managed to get up and head out to Hardware.
We ended up schlamping it up at DBGB's to some really slow music, and then the Pink (definitely wasn't drunk enough for that but there we were).

Versatile scarf
Not too crazy of a night but a good one for sure.
Rock and a hard place. Indeed. ;-)
That was such a good day. Macsanity for realz.