I remember before the October storm and a million budget cuts (grounds was the first thing to go) there used to be so many trees all over the place. I've noticed as more have been taken down, the ground stays saturated much longer and it looks much worse.
I need to find some people who know some more about appropriate trees than me and maybe other people who would be interested in helping fundraise or solicit for trees from nurseries around here. The best would probably be some slow-growth and deep rooted shade trees that won't heave the ground.
I took some pictures - right now it's pretty much cleared or full of dying trees everywhere but the front. I remember the Crosby side looking much more like McKinley or Argonne when I went there - a full canopy of mature maples.

I think there definitely could be smaller shade trees on the tree lawn, and much larger ones on the actual on. The back field could use some along the fenceline and soccer fields, and near the playground. It definitely would cut down on the ponding that happens even with the new drain tile.
Not really a good idea of the placement or number but the general location until I can set up something in AutoCAD or the town GIS.

Hopefully I can get this off the ground in time for spring planting. It'd be to get it back to the way it looked.
:-) All the very best with the re-greening effort. I wish more people thought of planting trees than uprooting them.
Don't fux wit me Lindbergh! Ill meet you there Oct 27th @3 heaux.
We didn't think we were better, we KNEW we were better. You wanna go? Come at me bro. Crosby field, 3pm.
Hey Lindbergh.... You think Roosevelt kids are hoodrats???!!! Ima show you some real hoodrat shit son...
Did you go to Lindbergh?! For some reason... I never liked anyone who went there. I feel like all those kids always thought they were better... Lindbergh snobs!!!!!!!!