Headed up to pride on the megabus Friday evening to meet the cousins. Not sure if I would ever take the bus again. It was 58 minutes late and then we got stick at the border for 2 hours. By the time we had left Fort Erie we were 10 minutes distance from home but 3 hours traveled. My favorite part was when the girl in front of us spilled a bottle of perfume on her.
By the time we get to toronto it was so cloudy you couldn't even see the CN tower.

Heard the thing with the Mega Bus is that they have some really cheap travels .. And that if you get the top it is a good way to see well as you aproach places... In terms of customs not sure why that took so long.... Last time I went by bus they did this thing where you have to leave everything and they inspect the bus and have dogs and that was pre passport or enhanced ID and everyone lines up it was kinda crazy.... I assume Mega Bus holds more people so ....... But I also wonder with it being so high did it have to go with like trucks instead buses... In the past on the greyhound some buses use the peace bridge and some go to the falls and cross there.... Now the lateless I would freak out a bit did I miss it why isn't it here am I in the wrong spot that kinda thing.... Hope it was still a good time.....
America is looking seksi!!!