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04/07/2013 14:24 #57471

Burning Clippings
Category: gardening
Last weekend we cut back the butterfly bush and all the stuff around it so that it could grow differently, plus it had some damage from the winter.


This weekend we burned a lot of the debris. Every year we burn the garden clipping and use the ash in the compost. I am so sick of getting smoky though. I think next year I am getting a small wood chipper.




04/05/2013 22:12 #57467

Cutey Pants
Category: hos

They are all so cute.

hodown - 04/07/13 21:05
Monster cutie.
lilho - 04/06/13 11:59
Omg!!! I just died inside a little. I miss my wittle wubs... I need baby hugs and cuddles pronto! Can't wait to spend a whole week with all of my fam and favs this summa!!!!

04/03/2013 22:00 #57461

purity ring
Category: music


04/02/2013 23:30 #57459

My Wedding Ring
Category: wedding

I decided I am going to keep it. Now I need to get insurance.





lilho - 04/06/13 12:03
I hope we can have gatherings in the future where we clean and polish our massive jewelry collections while snacking on caviar and sipping champagne. #fancy
lilho - 04/06/13 12:03
I hope we can have gatherings in the future where we clean and polish our massive jewelry collections while snacking on caviar and sipping champagne. #fancy
paul - 04/04/13 12:43
Oh good idea, I'll see if I can just get a rider for my existing homeowners. Thanks for the tip.
ExBuffalonian - 04/04/13 11:37
Do you need a separate policy for it, or can you cover it on your homeowners insurance? My husband and I have simple platinum bands from Tiffany's, and we were able to get insurance for them by simply adding them to our homeowners. Saved us some cash!
metalpeter - 04/03/13 23:10
looks nice
hodown - 04/03/13 16:29
(e:iriesara) - YES. This is totally a Mr. Starr ring!
Robert - 04/03/13 15:10
Seriously. This is one of the best rings i've ever seen.
iriesara - 04/03/13 13:35
Was there a doubt? When I talked to you on Friday, you were all gaga over it, Mr. Starr.
heidi - 04/03/13 12:26
I'm glad you're keeping it! It's sooo beautiful!

04/02/2013 18:26 #57453

Dyngus Day 2013
Category: holidays

One more ethnic drinking holiday down the drain. I wish their was an italian one. Maybe we need to work on Columbus day.






metalpeter - 04/03/13 22:43
No Such thing as an Italian or French Drinking Holiday.. See they don't demonize drinking.. It is normal to have wine with dinner yes for kids also (Over there at least) ... You don't drink to get smashed.. No such thing as binge drinking :) But I could be wrong :)
heidi - 04/03/13 12:31
I'm so not going to celebrate Columbus Day. There must be some other Italian-themed holiday available.

I love the red velvet wallpaper at the Library :::link:::
Robert - 04/02/13 22:46
looks like you guys had a great time :) I see (e:terry) is getting in some smile for the picture practice before the wedding comes, haha