A couple doors down from us is the back of the parking lot from an apartment building. They out up a wall and some landscaping but no one takes care of it and it always looks like shit other than some cutr mibi violets that grow all over the lawn.
Some of my neighbors use it as a place to pile trash all year long off of their own property. I can't believe anything thinks that is appropriate.
04/07/2013 14:24 #57471
Burning Clippings Category: gardening
Last weekend we cut back the butterfly bush and all the stuff around it so that it could grow differently, plus it had some damage from the winter.
This weekend we burned a lot of the debris. Every year we burn the garden clipping and use the ash in the compost. I am so sick of getting smoky though. I think next year I am getting a small wood chipper.
he's pretty woofy.