When I picked this strangler out from in between the bushes at her old house, I never expected it to grow roots but I has over the winter. Now to see if I can plant it in the spring.
We had such a fun time climbing at Little Rock City in Ellicottville. It was 60 and sunny with snow up to my knees. It felt so great to be in the sun. Strangely Ellicottville was having Mardi Gras today. All the places were decorated for Mardi Gras and people were wearing beads.
(e:robert) is so adventurous. He climbed all up on everything and he and (e:terry) wrestled the day away. Then we had yummy food at the Ellicotville Brewery Company.
lilho - 03/14/13 09:51 Lolz... Done with alcohol... Again. Sounds like something I would say.
libertad - 03/11/13 11:15 Looks fun. I was too hung over to go. I'm done with alcohol again. maybe on Sunday for the parade but other than that I'm done. I did eventually get out on my bike cause I couldn't stand sitting in the house on a nice day.
03/09/2013 21:40 #57363
"wild caught" Category:
Why are the quotes required around "wild caught" if it is a statement of fact they shouldn't be needed.
That's very sweet. :)