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03/19/2013 02:07 #57392

How the spirit of St Patrick killed Terry's Phone
Category: mobile
We just got him a new replacement phone and he accidentally humped this one down the chimney 40 ft to its death on St. Patrick's day. Of course it went in the one chimney hole that doesn't come out anywhere. We spent hours creating a contraption made of PVC pipes ducted taped together in order to retrieve it.

The weather was so torturous up on the roof today. Once that was all done there was a server hardware failure crisis at work. Nothing like this vacation I am supposed on.

Hump, hump, hump

Phone falls to its death, no one notices. Then spend a day looking for the phone, at the last minute tried on the roof and looked down the chimney after I saw the photo above.

Long day trying to save baby jessica from the well not knowing if she had survived or not.

She was dead anyways.

Even though we have insurance through AT&T, its $199 for a replacement. But strangely enough Discover card had a purchase protection plan that covers it, at least I think so - will know more tomorrow.

lilho - 03/19/13 19:42
Ew! St Patty is such a phone killing bitch!

03/18/2013 11:30 #57389

St. Patricks Day Sunshine
Category: holidays

Well, we managed to survive another St. Patrick's day although (e:terry)'s phone might not have. (e:xandra) fell through the ceiling. I think its time I finish the part above there off with plywood. Everyone always thinks its okay to step there but there is nothing other than lathe and plaster.






metalpeter - 03/19/13 21:37
1. Love those Boots..
2. I assume it was only one foot other wise things would have been much worse and different post...
3. Haven't been up there in so long but from what I remember it is boards and that pink panther stuff so I assumed boards are the only safe thing to step on by boards I mean what you would call rafters if in a barn or some attacts
4. So brave with laying on the chimney
5. Hope parade view was good....
lilho - 03/18/13 13:52
Omg! No more people falling through the ceiling!

03/17/2013 12:27 #57382

Happy St. Patricks Day
Category: holidays
Time to sober up and start drinking. As far as I can tell as a non-irish observer, St. Patrick was the patron saint of drinking beer and whisky for breakfast?







03/15/2013 20:35 #57380

Old Dresser Departure
Category: furniture
This dresser arrived ~30 years ago as a gift for my first communion when I was 7 years old. Its now returned back to my childhood room. My parents bought it for me at Calvin's Furniture in Kenmore, NY. The brand was Young Hinckley.

I loved the dresser as a kid because of the cubby hole in the front. It used to have a door that turned it into a sort of treasure chest in my eyes.

My first pet tortoise used to live under the dresser. I wonder if it will miss me.


03/15/2013 12:51 #57379

New Dresser Arrived
Category: furniture

The new dresser arrived this morning. The bed comes in april but they gave us a metal frame to use in the meantime. Its thr first time since I was a child that my matress wasn't just on the floor.

The mirror on the new dresser is awesome. I kind of wish we got the nightstand too but it was just too damn expensive.



iriesara - 03/15/13 16:16
OMG, I can't wait for that day for myself! I got Elijah a new bed last year, and there's just too many things on the list before I get myself a proper grown-up bed!