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03/15/2013 20:35 #57380

Old Dresser Departure
Category: furniture
This dresser arrived ~30 years ago as a gift for my first communion when I was 7 years old. Its now returned back to my childhood room. My parents bought it for me at Calvin's Furniture in Kenmore, NY. The brand was Young Hinckley.

I loved the dresser as a kid because of the cubby hole in the front. It used to have a door that turned it into a sort of treasure chest in my eyes.

My first pet tortoise used to live under the dresser. I wonder if it will miss me.


03/15/2013 12:51 #57379

New Dresser Arrived
Category: furniture

The new dresser arrived this morning. The bed comes in april but they gave us a metal frame to use in the meantime. Its thr first time since I was a child that my matress wasn't just on the floor.

The mirror on the new dresser is awesome. I kind of wish we got the nightstand too but it was just too damn expensive.



iriesara - 03/15/13 16:16
OMG, I can't wait for that day for myself! I got Elijah a new bed last year, and there's just too many things on the list before I get myself a proper grown-up bed!

03/13/2013 01:48 #57371

Nonna's Rose
Category: garden

When I picked this strangler out from in between the bushes at her old house, I never expected it to grow roots but I has over the winter. Now to see if I can plant it in the spring.


lilho - 03/14/13 09:47
That's very sweet. :)

03/13/2013 01:45 #57370

Clams Again
Category: food

I find them to be the best food on earth.

lilho - 03/14/13 09:48
Honorary azn award...

03/11/2013 18:18 #57368

Artic Clams and Dangmyeon
Category: food

I love these noodles so much.
