I love this picture of Coco, missing him right now.
Love this picture of Mike
Steve's pic of Coco
Me and my sister
Patron Lechuga
I really need some unicorn tears if anyone can find them. These were from the people that lived in our apartment before us, they don't make them anymore.
Me, Mom and Mike at Cathode. Not kidding, someone tried to pee on my mother that night.
Not sure what this. Gay street fest maybe?
Steve's pic of Coco
Kids drawing of a pig horrified at seeing bacon sizzling in a pan
Maureen's pic of Mike being a piece of bacon
Mike and his puppet
Steve's pic of Coco
Eileen's pic of her daughter posing next to our Halloween costume, we were Tetris pieces.
Coco's bedroom aka; wabbitat
Coco chillin in the wabbitat
Coco traveled a lot
12/27/2012 after flying home from Florida
Bike trip to the Falls
I have those batteries they work great. Now you can go a whole weekend without plugging in.