-I admit I thought having my own computer would get me here more... It just gets me here sooner ?
-I admit I hate talking on the phone well not talking really but calling I never call I admit but yet I want to get a cell phone yeah know for the mobile stuff
-So just tossing this out just cause people don't call or talk that type of thing doesn't mean they don't think about you......
Guess a few examples ......
- I have a certain pass word for something I can't say what or where or anything that relates to people or a person I haven't seen in years hope said personage is doing great......
- Everytime I go to walgreens I can't help think of (e:tinypliny) and Hope she is out there doing great things... Some how I all ways with out trying walk down the isle with those Chocolate bars that are like 85% dark .........
- There are a few certain movies that take me back to going to see the animee movies as a group with (e:IMK2) that was fun
Or maybe I'm just old..................
It doesn't help that when these ideas came to my head I was no where near a computer ... So then once it fads makes it tougher to write a blog... The fact that I barely passed English class in freshman year of HS and that I have a blog is shocking .......
- Reading a blog on here reminds me of going to see The Stripteasers with (e:Heidi) well not sure if it was they did this cool thing with the end of analog TV that was a lot of fun ......
Again I really don't have a point here I really don't
-Kinda a side point I guess Twitter it is odd cause when I type things I want to type the # symbol that is so weird .....
- I saw a Henry Rollins video where I forget what he was talking about but got me thinking about a whole bunch of (e:peeps) so..........
-Oh and one question for those who know about computers more then I .. Dogie Houser how ever you spell it... NPH would do an entire crazy episode and they type on one sentence that composes it all... Was that a journal on a computer? Or was that like the 1st blog ?
I've been in a bit of a rough patch that I've been trying to work on.... Part of that might get better on monday when the land lord comes over we shall see....
Cool that you found me on G+ I like it over there but often forget to go there and don't post as much there .... But it is a great site thanks for reminding me about it.....
(e:metalpeter) how are you doing? I just found you on G+ and circling you. :)
Thanks glad to hear that.....
I wasn't sure what your favorite % was.... But knew it was one of the high ones... They are all to intense for me... But they all remind me of you ......
I miss you all, Buffalo and that walgreens on the corner of North & Delaware, and pricerite! :)
I think of you too! :) and I LOOOOOOOVE 85%++ dark chocolate still! :)