It was all downhill tonight. After I lost all my money I decided to look into how the slots are programmed. I thought it might be cool to be a programmer for the machines. I mean some of them are pretty awesome nowadays.
Then I read this report about electronic slots cheating and read that the programmer turned star witness got "shot in the back of his head in his mobile home." I couldn't decide what was more a shocking, that they killed him or that the guy who programmed the chips that raked in millions by cheating lived in a fucking trailer home. How unfair is that?
metalpeter - 12/01/12 09:50 I didn't read the article but maybe if you write code that way you are kinda an off the grid type of person.... Now if it was written so he got the money some how I can see that... Can't have a huge Mansion Yeah I wrote this one code for this slot machine .... That being said it is still said either way... I bet he didn't get a share of it and that would be to bad... Not to mention the getting killed over it...
11/29/2012 22:29 #56941
Strange Fruit Category: food
Last week I was craving a persimmon so bad. I had to wait a whole week for it to be sweet enough for eating. Its weird, yoi got to wait until they are pretty much smush for them to be ripe.
I paired it with clams. What doesn't go with clams?
paul - 12/01/12 22:17 Hachiya and they seriously need to be smoosh. They totally change into something delicious once you think they would be ready for the garbage. Honestly, I think a lot of fruit is like that. I went to this exhibit at the met where they had a wax fruit display from 100 years ago and all the fruit looked almost like rotten fruit but it was displayed as thought it was a delicious spread. At first I thought it was ironic but then I realized its such a modern expectation that fruit looks perfect. Pears are the same way. I would rather have a soft smooshy sweet pear that a mouth drying, bitter, perfect looking one.
jbeatty - 12/01/12 16:07 I have only ever had persimmons a few times. I just remember them being so tannic. I guess that I was eating them wrong because yours look like a really ripe cheese. Did you have fuyu or hachiya?
11/27/2012 09:48 #56938
How much music is there? Category: music
I am not usually one for re-posting other people's video but this is really interesting. It discusses the finite number of music tracks available. The number is mind-blowingly astronomical.
11/25/2012 12:06 #56933
View From The Shower Category: weather
Its snowing for real now.
paul - 11/25/12 20:20 Nope, maybe I should bring it back for nostalgia sake.
metalpeter - 11/25/12 18:19 That does look nice... Odd question does (e:strip) still do the "Its Raining" and the big snow flakes ?
11/24/2012 16:09 #56929
Snow and Light Category: weather
The snow has started. I already can't wait for St. Patrick's day.
I didn't read the article but maybe if you write code that way you are kinda an off the grid type of person.... Now if it was written so he got the money some how I can see that... Can't have a huge Mansion Yeah I wrote this one code for this slot machine .... That being said it is still said either way... I bet he didn't get a share of it and that would be to bad... Not to mention the getting killed over it...