Then last night (e:samathon86) took us to a davali party in the suburbs. The food was amazing. The hostess w as so gracious. There was a turkey with cranberry chutney and lots of delicious side dishes. There were also great desserts including a pumpkin, banana creme dessert that was one of the best desserts I ever had. (e:yesthatcasey) and I also wore outfits sent by sameers mom from india.

I liked wearing the outfit and afterwards we hit the town and headed to DBGBs on Allen. I must have fit the part because these american girls wouldn't believe my name was Paul. They kept said things like what is your real name back home? and Don't be shy, what do your parents call you? Its really interesting to be perceived as a foreigner at home.

Ah, thanks for the clarification, (e:samathon)!
i was curious to see if (e:Paul) blogged about this or not and indeed he did :) You guys looked great and your experience of ladies asking you your real name proves the outfit suited well enough, Pradeep (thats your indian name Visco) Ha! I am really glad you guys liked the outfits and that we went out dancing to some wub wub music after.. it should be on every ones bucket list ;) I wanna see terry wear that outfit next! Heidi, Salwar Kameez is what you would call a similar outfit worn by a girl but, when guys do, its called Kurta (top/shirt) Pajama(pants). I tried to get Alex excited about this and would have hooked her up with a really nice saree too but she was too shy.. but at the end the party was a +2 instead of +3 so it worked out OK. im going to have a dance party at my place around Christmas or sooner.. tons of indian music, food and people too. So, open invitation guys. I'll create a facebook event once i figure out the details.
With the beard and glasses you look middle eastern but not we want to blow you up kind of middle eastern ....
You look awesome in the salwar kameez. It is really gorgeous.
No fair! I want delish Indian food and a sari!