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12/02/2012 13:02 #56949

Electronics Recycling Facility in Buffalo
Category: recycling
I wish I had realized this before. There is an actual facility where you can go to drop off electronics instead of having to wait for a specific day. Its called Sunnking and its at 1120 Seneca Street. I just wish it, as well as, the metal scraping facilities were open on Sundays.

paul - 12/16/12 12:51
Update, even better you can just drop it off at Buffalo Reuse.
YesThatCasey - 12/05/12 12:29
When you make a run, lemme know....I have a ton of stuff to recycle
lilho - 12/03/12 11:44
i need a place like this.
uncutsaniflush - 12/02/12 18:18
Thanks for posting this. This is very useful info for me.

12/01/2012 23:55 #56948

At a bar in cheektowaga. Glad I live in the city.
Category: bars

Animated gifs on mu blog reminds me of the early 2000s.

12/01/2012 17:27 #56947

Defiant Replacement
Category: house
We replaced the garage lock with another lock I had laying around. Ironically it was called defiant, and the only way it would work was upside down.


lilho - 12/03/12 11:45
haha. that seems like the type of situation that is typical of my life. i had to to the lock out of the front door of my house once to have a new key made and its hard work with only two hands. i was pretty proud that i was able to reassemble it by myself.

12/01/2012 00:07 #56945

Gas Station @ Allen and Deleware
Category: food
What is with this sick pizza? I can't believe its still out like someone is going to buy it?

I also can't believe that spam is $4.59 for a can. You could buy fancy wild caught tuna or a pound of beef for that price.


YesThatCasey - 12/04/12 09:13
Wow, had no idea it was that much outside of a corner store...
lilho - 12/03/12 11:46
emotionally disturbing food.
paul - 12/02/12 13:49
I meant to say.... therefore the markup isnt too crazy, I just severly underestimated the cost of spam.
paul - 12/02/12 13:48
Looking around it seems a can of spam is generally around $3.50. Even if you buy them in bulk on amazon they are still around $2.50 a can :::link::: 6 cans for $27.50.
uncutsaniflush - 12/01/12 18:49
You pay for the convenience of buying the spam there. As to the pizza, think user error. The underpaid store employee probably cut the pizza slice unevenly. FWIW, Allentown Trading is owned by the BAP group in which the P stands for Paladino (Yes, that Paladino).
metalpeter - 12/01/12 09:53
Well High Prices are paid for not walking up to where it gets a little sketchy :) :) I'm sure they get people moving about a lot .... Plus besides they have to off set the Cheap beer and all the clean up for St. Patrick's day Parade ......

12/01/2012 00:02 #56944

Seneca Niagara Casino
Category: gambling
It was all downhill tonight. After I lost all my money I decided to look into how the slots are programmed. I thought it might be cool to be a programmer for the machines. I mean some of them are pretty awesome nowadays.

Then I read this report about electronic slots cheating and read that the programmer turned star witness got "shot in the back of his head in his mobile home." I couldn't decide what was more a shocking, that they killed him or that the guy who programmed the chips that raked in millions by cheating lived in a fucking trailer home. How unfair is that?







metalpeter - 12/01/12 09:50
I didn't read the article but maybe if you write code that way you are kinda an off the grid type of person.... Now if it was written so he got the money some how I can see that... Can't have a huge Mansion Yeah I wrote this one code for this slot machine .... That being said it is still said either way... I bet he didn't get a share of it and that would be to bad... Not to mention the getting killed over it...