Remember when blogging was all the rage?
I figured while I was here reading I'd post something quickly.
I'll be in the blo next week and possibly the week after. I could really use some Buffalo love from everyone. The week of the storm was less than ideal emotionally and since the storm I've essentially been homeless. To put it in perspective I did't lose everything I own and everyone I love is alive, but it's still been trying at best.
I'm guessing since I'll be home around Thanksgiving everyone will be in town? We should plan a meet-up in Allentown/Elmwood..
It's funny how some things never change. I always run home when I'm feeling down.
Hodown's Journal
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11/07/2012 15:23 #56880
Do people even blog anymore?09/18/2012 20:07 #56776
WhoaI haven't blogged in 2 years. My 2 hour conversation with (e:paul) has inspired me.
10/12/2010 14:29 #52938
If you threw a partyCategory: sisters
and invited everyone you knew, Sarah Ho, you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card would say thank you for being a sister.
Recently someone did something pretty shitty to me and broke (ish) my heart. (e:lilho) knows like no one else that a sparkly necklace helps a sad heart.

Recently someone did something pretty shitty to me and broke (ish) my heart. (e:lilho) knows like no one else that a sparkly necklace helps a sad heart.

lilho - 10/22/10 17:36
i'm taking it back.
i'm taking it back.
tinypliny - 10/14/10 19:32
I really like that green as well. I have a dress of that colour back home. Here, I wear terribly boring colours.
I really like that green as well. I have a dress of that colour back home. Here, I wear terribly boring colours.
paul - 10/13/10 22:17
That is really quite pretty. I love that color green.
That is really quite pretty. I love that color green.
lilho - 10/13/10 00:26
i would like to be the first to comment and say, "Go me!" my method for selecting gifts is to choose something i really want!!!!!!!!!!! i want that necklace, but i also keep in mind the person i buy for and i know they would want it more.... what else can cure a heart like sparkle jewelry???? nothing, i say.
i would like to be the first to comment and say, "Go me!" my method for selecting gifts is to choose something i really want!!!!!!!!!!! i want that necklace, but i also keep in mind the person i buy for and i know they would want it more.... what else can cure a heart like sparkle jewelry???? nothing, i say.
am here...often the best thing I can say
Um have you not gathered from our conversations that I am loosing my effing mind here? Sarah offered to come rescue me this weekend. You are going to be giving me so many hugs- be prepared. Also I may or may not cry. TBD. I haven't really cried yet so I'm guessing it's coming.
I don't know how you live in big city land. I would go nuts in a storm apocalypse.