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08/24/2012 20:45 #56704

Feeling Cursed
Its crazy how whenever you're trying to move forward in your life and do something positive, so many other forces try and pull and hold you back. This summer has been the craziest summer i think Ive ever had. Within the last 7 weeks Ive gone to jail, got kicked out of my apartment, fired from my job. On top of all this i have someone i considered a good friend of mine try and throw me under the bus for something i didn't do and try and tell me my best friends were talking shit about me and my situation. Usually i would think there was something wrong with me and I'm pissing the universe off. But then i thought about it after being very upset about this for a few days. Sometimes bad shit happens to good people. I'm one of them and luckily I'm a strong enough person to take all this in stride keep my head up and stay focused. The silver lining in all this is that I am full-filling a life long dream now and it seems to be only getting better. Having that and the support of my best friends through all this has really kept my afloat. So thank you. As far as the other things that are bothering me, I'm removing myself from the situation. I just can't deal with added stress right now because i will break. In all this madness I've dealt with this summer i would still say it was one of the best summers I've ever had. I've tried ALOT of new things and liked ALL of them. xoxoxo Buffalo peace and Love.
metalpeter - 08/26/12 11:00
That does sound crazy..Sorry for the bad stuff...
lilho - 08/25/12 13:33
I like your attitude... I am sure things will start looking up for you boo! Sometimes challenging times show us who will really stick around. I'm sending good vibes your way!! ;)

02/02/2012 13:27 #56013

cool paint
Its funny watch you catch on Allen st during the day. Wonder how long its been there?

metalpeter - 02/02/12 18:02
Cool shot..... Not sure how long it has been there really my guess is maybe about 2 years..... But it isn't like a one day that wall was blank a month later is wasn't deal..... but that being said now that I think about I only remember seeing that red thing and don't remember the unicorn or cowboy?

01/22/2012 12:12 #55963

Happy birthday Paul
Very fun night although the dj was not there. We still made the best of it. Hope you have a great birthday and remember 30 is the new 20!!!
paul - 01/22/12 13:36
Thanks. Ya it was just as fun with the wrong DJ.

01/18/2012 13:44 #55934

Tequlia tasting!!!!
At cantina loco. My head is spinning, I already need a nap
metalpeter - 01/31/12 18:27
Sorry that I somehow didn't get that you worked there even though what I wrote would say that I did know...ARGH.... In any event the food was good not that I had any Idea what do with that big leaf.... yes I spent like 3 times as much on drinks as food.... Didn't try any of the tequila pix and didn't have a camera so no pictures of the food.... But I do plan on going back so in any event it was nice to see you....Hope they treat you good there....I'm sure they do....
metalpeter - 01/19/12 16:19
lucky work! Today I saw it was open.... Might have to try it this weekend we shall see.....
flacidness - 01/18/12 18:26
Oh I should probably mention it was for work lol.

01/16/2012 04:12 #55926

His dream
MLK day

flacidness - 01/16/12 13:54
It's a pic I took last year in chicago. They had a stained glass exhibit.
paul - 01/16/12 12:04
That is pretty cool looking, where did you see it?