So today I got my car washed and then went to get gas at the Delta Sonic on Main Street. Well I pulled up to the pump and it just said remove nozzle and select grade. I couldn't believe you didn't have to prepay. And so I selected my grade and then the screen said $30 prepaid ready but I hadn't paid. So there was a worker working on the next pump over and so I said to him what was going on and he was like "oh that must have been put on the wrong pump" and then I had to wait a few minutes for them to take it off and I paid for myown gas. So really I could have had $30 of free gas, noone would have ever known. But I thought what if some poor bloke's money got put on the wrong pump and then he/she lost out on the $30.
But then I thought what if liek the person before me was trying to pay it forward and now stupid Delta Sonic just took that money and noone got the free gas the person wanted someone to have.
I don't know, what would youdo? Maybe I should have just taken the gas but I think it would be waying on my conscience if I did.
THey did give me a coupon for a free super kiss car wash for being honest. So I guess that was nice but that is no $30 and frankly I hardly ever wash my car because going through those things make me sooo nervous . And that was even before the CSI where the midget contortionist was hiding in the backseat and then killed a lday while her car was going through the car wash. That just sealed the scared deal. And plus I had just already had it washed today! Well I don't know, I guess it's good knowing I did the right thing, but somehow I think $30 free dollars worth of gas might have felt better?
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/24/2012 23:49 #56480
Did I do the right thing?05/20/2012 17:26 #56474
buffalo's tour guideThe city should pay me for all the directions and advice I give to people wandering through the main street wasteland on my weekend walks downtown. It's at least a few people on every walk. There really is nowhere else for them to go for info since almost nothing is open.
Unfortunately I couldn't convince a Japanese tourist to go somewhere besides tho fridays for chicken wings. She heard those were the best ones and she was walking so I didn't really know where else she would get/ could get to
Unfortunately I couldn't convince a Japanese tourist to go somewhere besides tho fridays for chicken wings. She heard those were the best ones and she was walking so I didn't really know where else she would get/ could get to
paul - 05/21/12 11:57
You should start a business.
You should start a business.
05/19/2012 15:27 #56468
Salt and PepperI know I had gotten a gray hair or two but the other day at Lord and Taylor in the fitting room for some reason the lights really made the grays shine! Ugh I am not ready for that. Then today I went to the barber and seeing all the hairs fall on the smock there are lots of lighter ones mixed in now. I am not ready to be salt and pepper and especially not ready to be all salt! My mom went gray really young and so did my grandfather but my dad is not even all gray now and he is almost 70.
I guess as says I got it from my mama. So not ready for this , I'm not even 29 yet!
Plus the barber asked if I was keeping my beard or if he should keep my sideburns and I said I was not keeping it for some reason but actually I am so now there is a gap between my sideburns and where my facial hair starts! Classy!
I guess as says I got it from my mama. So not ready for this , I'm not even 29 yet!
Plus the barber asked if I was keeping my beard or if he should keep my sideburns and I said I was not keeping it for some reason but actually I am so now there is a gap between my sideburns and where my facial hair starts! Classy!
05/04/2012 22:46 #56425
middle school tshirt ?I am going thru my clothes trying to get rid of some and I realized I have had this tshirt since middle big was it on me then? because it fits perfectly now.

paul - 05/08/12 00:08
You know you are a hoader when...
You know you are a hoader when...
mk - 05/06/12 15:25
I remember that shirt! Hmmm I wonder what I've had since middle school...probably a sweet Bush t-shirt or something. I was so cool.
I remember that shirt! Hmmm I wonder what I've had since middle school...probably a sweet Bush t-shirt or something. I was so cool.
lilho - 05/04/12 23:18
Is it my turn now to post myself wearing an item from middle school??? I have a few things....
Is it my turn now to post myself wearing an item from middle school??? I have a few things....
05/03/2012 08:58 #56419
Tater TotsWent to Colter Bay last night with (e:flacidness) and (e:libertad) and I ordered a chicken bacon bbq sandwich and guess what! THEY HAD TATER TOTS AS A SIDE! I feel like I never have tater tots offered in restaurants and let me tell you they do not skimp on the tots, you get like a million, I was in pure bliss.
paul - 05/03/12 23:29
I generally haven't liked the food I ate there but I do like tater toast. Maybe I should try it again.
I generally haven't liked the food I ate there but I do like tater toast. Maybe I should try it again.
Hard to know? It is very possible someone else could have paid twice by putting it on the wrong pump?
I would have taken the gas. The other person could just have easily complained they didn't get their monies worth and have gotten it back.