Terry's Journal
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04/19/2012 19:54 #56365
Daphne!04/03/2012 20:29 #56315
Techie of the year!03/17/2012 12:44 #56233
basra & benjoying their first day out this year.

tinypliny - 03/17/12 15:24
Hmm.. I am surprised both are still alive after a winter of bickering.
Hmm.. I am surprised both are still alive after a winter of bickering.
metalpeter - 03/17/12 13:31
It is nice out hope they both get along.... They should there is a lot of yard....
It is nice out hope they both get along.... They should there is a lot of yard....
03/15/2012 18:53 #56227
lil rokcity01/15/2012 15:17 #55923
sleddingwith (e:yesthatcasey) and (e:paul)

metalpeter - 01/16/12 16:26
He was just trying to motivate you to go ?
He was just trying to motivate you to go ?
lilho - 01/16/12 09:51
in the last photo, it looks like the standing person is about to slap the sitting one on the back really hard...
in the last photo, it looks like the standing person is about to slap the sitting one on the back really hard...
heidi - 01/15/12 19:31
I love sledding, especially at night :-)
I love sledding, especially at night :-)
Awesome, congratS
That's awesome! Paul looks super cute and happy! Can't wait to see you peeps in August.
I cannot think of another person who deserves it more!
Nice! Congratulations. :)