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12/25/2011 11:19 #55796

Purrfect gift for Paul
I'm so sorry I missed getting you this in time for Xmas:

Crafting with Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat

metalpeter - 12/26/11 13:54
Well saw you post this link over on that other site and there is no way I'm following it don't know if that is creepier or using someone Else's Hair but sounds gross to me so..... But then if one really thinks about it it is being green... Hey ;) don't go buy that scarf of wool or kill an animal for a coat or a bunch of them just wait and make it out of Cat Hair... Still sounds gross....
enknot - 12/26/11 12:53
I was at a dinner party and one of the guests was an Ithica resident. She reported that her roommate was at a gathering of some sort where a gentleman approached her and was bragging about having had crafted his hat from his own cat's hair... He went on to admonish her for her lack of global conscience for having a manufactured hat.
lilho - 12/25/11 13:41
wow, i really want that...

12/25/2011 01:20 #55795

family i love
I miss em always


heidi - 12/25/11 14:52
So cute!
lilho - 12/25/11 13:41
monster cuties.

12/10/2011 17:41 #55689

ready for the club

tinypliny - 12/12/11 20:16
Is that how AndyC looks? ;-)
metalpeter - 12/10/11 17:55
Well Maybe if he is going to be the DJ?

12/02/2011 17:16 #55642

more san diego beach pics
(e:paul) and I braved the 60° weather :) The last couple are of (e:paul) and (e:iriesara).








tinypliny - 12/10/11 17:27
I wondered who it was! :)
paul - 12/10/11 14:08
I am the buddha.
metalpeter - 12/03/11 18:50
The Setting sun shots look nice.....

12/01/2011 17:21 #55634

san Diego beach


metalpeter - 12/03/11 18:24
nice looking beach...
tinypliny - 12/01/11 17:32
WOW! That looks amazing! You went paragliding over the beach?!!! wow.
tinypliny - 12/01/11 17:23
Hmm... no luck still.