lloyds Kickstarter Page currently they have like 17 hours to go.... Yes I should have written about this last night....Yes I donated some money but won't say how much... How much you give determines how much you get.... You only get charged the money you give if they make the goal.... They are trying to get a 2nd truck....
So this got a lot of bad press I guess some people got really upset about this.... There was an article in the artvoice about it....

Now on Facebook a few people posted about this and thanks cause that reminded me I wanted to help them out and give some money..... Now the point was brought up about out rage like this is why Buffalo will never be anything.... I'm sorry I don't remember the exact debate. But my point was kinda that I get why people think that a Business shouldn't ask for money.... If you that is taco truck or a theatre company your prices and what you spend need to be that you make enough money on your own..... The other point I was making was that in this town.... The government is so corrupt and they do so little and the people do most things really.... So that makes everything from Panos to saving the trico Building political..... That drives people to be so over involved.... Also Buffalo has a history of doing stupid things like putting a high way in the middle of the park....
Hope these guys get there money and get a 2nd truck.....
Oh yeah forgot about the no meat thing...... Yes the Krazy Corn is great!!!!
Their Corn and butter + garlic is very tasty.
Well they haven't contacted me yet.... But at the level I gave I think I get a Free taco, Bottle of Rocket Sauce, Shirt, Bumper sticker, and not sure how this part works but I get to sign the truck.... They had one package where you got a speed pass... If I worked downtown I would have got this or If I would be able to eat there weekly... Think it was in my price range? Say 30 People in line you walk up the to front of course anyone else with one would be able to do that to.... But maybe it was out of my price range.... But no real shares in the truck......
So you got yourself a free taco and coop shares in the truck? :-)
Just to update this.... They got enough Money so they will be getting a 2nd truck.... Also people who are backers will (not sure how it works yet) will get what the premiums are for their level of backing.....