Close to 200 Photos on Facebook from Sunday's WWE House show....
I had a great time.... I think where I was sitting was the players bench
Now most of the time with House shows since they aren't recorded the tittles don't change hands and this was true.... So I like Both R-Truth and The miz so I was a bit Divided on this one..... Not a tittle match so.... But before that Santino defended his Tittle.....
The Divas.......
Skip ahead to the world tittle Match 2 out of 3 falls for the tittle.... Ziggler the challenger looks like he should be on Saved by the bell......
ARGH.... Sunday Wrestling was great took me forever to wake up though.... I felt so good finally that day and no longer tired had trouble sleeping though and now today tuesday back to being sick...ARGH!
Enjoy it For me.... Think I'm staying in and being lame..... But who knows maybe I'll slide by for like an hour but time seems to fly by in there and next thing one knows it is like 3am... And it becomes how to get home.....
Hey I'll be out tonight at Diablo, if you feel better and head out, say "Hi" if you see me:)
As Of now I am feeling much better but still not 100% still congested.... Like a fool I'll work a bit of overtime on Sat...ARGh... But the work has to get done... Then go home and veg out.... Tea does sound like a good idea I should get some more......
take it easy peter. stay in, get some sleep and have some tea in front of the tellie!
Hope you feel better soon! Sending you many many good vibes!