Won't be Negative about the V-Day not Victory day that is what the two fingers use to mean not Peace... Not sure what I'm going to do... I know I want part of it to be seeing the 3D Phantom Menace not sure how much better it can really be It will be fun..... Maybe a trip back to Cantina Loco and just a few Pomogrante Margaritas?
Now I would love to find a huge Box of Chocolate that comes with a cool stuffed Dragon... But doubt they make that or that I could find it.. So maybe a tiger?
To me the videos all the same song different versions are kinda about heart break? But good song...... more after the videos....
What the young people know this Bang Bang song from Kill Bill what a great movie...... But that has nothing to do with this post or maybe it does a bit?
Cher doing Bang Bang
Bang Bang by the Recounteurs little different then the original .. But pretty cool....
So V-day is Tuesday and Glee is having their V-day show that night so maybe I should just get stuff that day? But this brings up a question... Is it wrong to want to Have a 3 some with Santana and Britney? How about with the actors.... How about when 90210 was on (not the new version where real teens are the actors) and the kids where played by adults... Its funny lost the new version somewhere and Jenny Garth isn't as Pure white as she was on the original but she still looks just the same and is hot as fuck still............
I'm not going to ... But there is a part of me that says just look up the back of artvoice..... Do they even still run ads? But with all the stuff (and all sad) in the news lately with that poor girl in the tote is it even worth it...
I just want to have a Spartacus inspired orgy :) As much fun as it would be... I don't even have close to enough Purse for that...... Plus some of the guys are as big as my arm :)..... So that can be demotivational .... Maybe some Rainbow Party (if they are even real?) HA... Is a guy Short...HA
Seriously though I'm going to try and enjoy it...
It was nice seeing you too. Glad you enjoyed it.
I didn't notice the Korean taco.... oh wait maybe that is the private menu...HA... but yet another reason to go back...
I love the korean taco.