So Don't like to write about people who aren't me but Warranties are something I wrote about before in the past and how they are kinda stupid... Yes they do help people but in terms of a camera you might be covered but it snows to much and you aren't covered....
Here is the issue My Sis bought a computer some kind of dell with monitor and printer it is a wireless printer so no USB cord... Really that cheap that it doesn't come with a USB cord...ARGH! In any event she gets Kasp... how ever you spell it and the extra warranty from best buy.... So we go out there today cause she has the from what I've heard nasty windows 7 virus and guess what virus isn't covered the people with the virus protection I guess hung up on her..................... $200... What?! Sounds like a scam to me.... Who has $200 when how much would a new tower be maybe you could find a decent one for 300-400? Again it just isn't right... If you make something and you charge people just fix it......................
Now she does have a friend who has a Brother who knows about computers she might take it to Rochester but not sure what she will do.... But I think Best Buy should just fix it.... If they give you software that doesn't do what it is supposed that kinda puts them at fault .... Yes I get it you have to pay the geek squad people in every store... But pass part of the cost onto the virus people?
Metalpeter's Journal
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01/14/2012 11:44 #55915
Best Buy!ARGH.. Warrantes ARGHCategory: internet
01/12/2012 18:12 #55893
Loyalty=I Hate My JobCategory: philosophy
Ok I admit the Term Hate is a bit strong...... Dislike is more like it... But see Job isn't really Correct... Cause I like what I do but not the way people there work.... No Loyalty at all..... It is funny how before the boss was fired people would work all kinds of overtime even if some of it wasn't really needed but for the new guy "oh I'm to good for this place"..... "Oh I have a life outside of this place" .... Well if the place didn't have a 401K and Paid Vacations and good Medical you would be living on the street....Have some Loyalty Jack asses......
Now Granted one could argue that when a friend mine got in trouble for something that wasn't his fault (orders didn't go that didn't have to go) and his boss didn't get in trouble and he did and some how he lost his job I could have and almost did quit cause it was Bull shit.... But one has to be loyal to the company....
Then When One of our shitty workers rated out the boss and he kept his job but the Boss lost his.... Everyone wanted to quit I think... But we didn't cause see we are loyal to the company...
Now is the company loyal to us? How would you tell I guess so.... Well they are more loyal I think to the people who make the product but who knows really....
But see as much as the people piss me of at where I work... That is just the tip of the ice berg....
My Bank is HSBC and that will Change Very soon.... Isn't it odd that they and the city couldn't work out a deal with that Tower or getting a new Building and all of a Sudden .... Ok we are leaving Western New York... Hey how about having some Loyalty to the people who bank with you... How about saying to us if you want you can stay with us and we will wave all ATM Fees..... Nope just sell off all your banks... To bad I really liked HSBC......ARGh
How About Trico...... They sure had a lot of good workers in Buffalo from what I have heard.... Ah screw Buffalo if we move to Mexico it costs us less money... Now on a larger level.... Well people in the USA buy all our wiper blades lets go to mexico.....
Here is lack of Loyalty.... Wal-Mart... There is all ways this talk that Wal-Mart goes into a small town and it closes down all the shops.... Is it true that they offer a cheaper price and more Variety and one stop shopping ....Yeah of course.... But what causes that is lack of Loyalty... That Hardware store you love so much and maybe even the guy you go to church with... Eh fuck him wal-mart has it for 20 cents less again no loyalty....
Sports Teams...... How many times does some team take a chance on some kid who is unproven and the team works with them trains them turns them into a great player... Now if it wasn't for this staff no one would know who he is "Oh I want More Money"... Even if before he was getting more then he was worth... No loyalty......
The Lack of Loyalty in this country drives me insane........
Now Granted one could argue that when a friend mine got in trouble for something that wasn't his fault (orders didn't go that didn't have to go) and his boss didn't get in trouble and he did and some how he lost his job I could have and almost did quit cause it was Bull shit.... But one has to be loyal to the company....
Then When One of our shitty workers rated out the boss and he kept his job but the Boss lost his.... Everyone wanted to quit I think... But we didn't cause see we are loyal to the company...
Now is the company loyal to us? How would you tell I guess so.... Well they are more loyal I think to the people who make the product but who knows really....
But see as much as the people piss me of at where I work... That is just the tip of the ice berg....
My Bank is HSBC and that will Change Very soon.... Isn't it odd that they and the city couldn't work out a deal with that Tower or getting a new Building and all of a Sudden .... Ok we are leaving Western New York... Hey how about having some Loyalty to the people who bank with you... How about saying to us if you want you can stay with us and we will wave all ATM Fees..... Nope just sell off all your banks... To bad I really liked HSBC......ARGh
How About Trico...... They sure had a lot of good workers in Buffalo from what I have heard.... Ah screw Buffalo if we move to Mexico it costs us less money... Now on a larger level.... Well people in the USA buy all our wiper blades lets go to mexico.....
Here is lack of Loyalty.... Wal-Mart... There is all ways this talk that Wal-Mart goes into a small town and it closes down all the shops.... Is it true that they offer a cheaper price and more Variety and one stop shopping ....Yeah of course.... But what causes that is lack of Loyalty... That Hardware store you love so much and maybe even the guy you go to church with... Eh fuck him wal-mart has it for 20 cents less again no loyalty....
Sports Teams...... How many times does some team take a chance on some kid who is unproven and the team works with them trains them turns them into a great player... Now if it wasn't for this staff no one would know who he is "Oh I want More Money"... Even if before he was getting more then he was worth... No loyalty......
The Lack of Loyalty in this country drives me insane........
01/08/2012 10:33 #55872
WWE TestCategory: photos
So Maybe a couple weeks back I went to WWE in Buffalo and It was what is called a house show.... Now on my camera the pictures looked ok.... But on the computer they look pretty dark so this is kinda a test where I slide a bunch of pictures over onto here and see how they turn out......

Well that is plenty for the test.....
Well that is plenty for the test.....
01/07/2012 11:48 #55864
Sky SkifflingCategory: photos
So first of all it was Nice to Talk With (e:MrMike) at the show last night... Skiffles as I call them never put on a bad show and the food was great... Yes I ate all the wings also but I also missed lunch so.... Yes I have sky pictures from before the event so....

Again It was a great time... On my way home I got a few more sky shots.... It is odd the flash made the clouds vanish?

Again It was a great time... On my way home I got a few more sky shots.... It is odd the flash made the clouds vanish?
metalpeter - 01/08/12 09:30
It was a fun time.....
It was a fun time.....
metalpeter - 01/07/12 13:08
Thanks..... I think in person they where more orange and less bright.... The sky behind the church as I was heading down Amherst really looked amazing but couldn't get it from the bus so......
Thanks..... I think in person they where more orange and less bright.... The sky behind the church as I was heading down Amherst really looked amazing but couldn't get it from the bus so......
paul - 01/07/12 12:58
I love the pics of the firey sky.
I love the pics of the firey sky.
01/02/2012 12:18 #55836
New Years 3 2011-2012Category: photos
Again it was a great time thanks everyone............ Hoping 2012 is better then 2011... On a bit of a side note did the Fireworks people in china invent New Years!? HA.... How about the Champagne Companies? Or maybe the company that makes the hats and Glasses hope everyone had a good time and sorry I didn't capture everyone the roof was fun but crazy I could here people but couldn't see them.....

I really like HSBC too. They have always been my bank since forever (and at home).