So it is tough to believe sometimes depending on what one counts as what how many social networking sites there are.... As an example has anyone ever met anyone through ok cupid or is that really just about tests and you see people on there you all ready know from the world and other sites... It is supposed to be a dating site.... Now do other dating sites get counted.... What about rating sites.... What about adult versions of these like not sure the exact name but Like My nude pix, or fling? Well even if you don't count those now there is instragram and I think some new camera phone or android makes an app so you get load pictures directly and maybe from there right to facebook or where ever.... Yes this might be a ramble but there will be a point after the ramble.... The other big Picture one is Tumbler or something like that........
The point I wanted to make is that a couple days ago on the book of face or as someone else called it facefuck or some other version I can't remember... Someone I was following had a link to pictures or picture on twitter but when i got there had to be a member to view it.... So signed up.... Now my posts go right to facebook from there....
To be honest don't think I will be on there that often.... See from what I've seen is when you share to twitter it is just a link no picture and so no one knows what the link is unless you explain it.... So news article best make your points real quick.... I don't even have any idea how to post pictures yet..... But again I think that is because it is really made for cell phones and not computers.... Plus man there is a lot of stuff on there.... Well we shall see.......
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/05/2012 16:55 #56322
Twitter?Category: internet
04/02/2012 17:57 #56309
Bandits ArghCategory: photos
So the Bandits game on Saturday Night was fun..... I hardly even really feel like posting pictures because it was a tough game Bandits got it close and then Toronto ran away with it.... There where interviews on line that I wouldn't watch but here are some pix from the game..... On a side note I use two cameras and use two different softwares..... One thing I do like about the small one is I use Windows live Photo gallery and with that one a can slide pictures from it right to the Media thing on the blog.... Not sure what happens with video I think it doesn't work......
So I started at the last Pictures first and moved back wards and I looks like it posted started at the end of the game like how I wanted it to....

So I started at the last Pictures first and moved back wards and I looks like it posted started at the end of the game like how I wanted it to....
03/29/2012 17:53 #56296
Earl ScruggsCategory: music
So Yes I like Metal, but that isn't all I like as anyone who reads my blog can tell.... So today on the news I saw that Earl Scruggs died... Now from what I read on line he is credited for how Blue Grass sound.... What I mean is something that I don't get about how he plays with 3 fingers and how his sound got adopted..... That being said I thought that the least I could do is post some youtube videos of what I find......
I admit I don't know if there where be singing or if it will just be Banjo but at least it makes good music to listen to as one reads facebook updates....HA.... But true?
Beverly Hillbillys.....
That is plenty maybe I'll look for more when I have more time...
I admit I don't know if there where be singing or if it will just be Banjo but at least it makes good music to listen to as one reads facebook updates....HA.... But true?
Beverly Hillbillys.....
That is plenty maybe I'll look for more when I have more time...
03/28/2012 16:39 #56293
Food truck UpdateCategory: buffalo
So there is something I need to explain for people who have read stuff on here and facebook..... I am pro food trucks and think they are a great Idea... I'm not one of those people who only see my side all the time... I can see how someone from a certain point wouldn't agree with something or even how they might be trying to do something a certain way.... Well with some thing not all and one can't really know a different perspective unless they have been in that spot....

lloyds Kickstarter Page currently they have like 17 hours to go.... Yes I should have written about this last night....Yes I donated some money but won't say how much... How much you give determines how much you get.... You only get charged the money you give if they make the goal.... They are trying to get a 2nd truck....
So this got a lot of bad press I guess some people got really upset about this.... There was an article in the artvoice about it....

Now on Facebook a few people posted about this and thanks cause that reminded me I wanted to help them out and give some money..... Now the point was brought up about out rage like this is why Buffalo will never be anything.... I'm sorry I don't remember the exact debate. But my point was kinda that I get why people think that a Business shouldn't ask for money.... If you that is taco truck or a theatre company your prices and what you spend need to be that you make enough money on your own..... The other point I was making was that in this town.... The government is so corrupt and they do so little and the people do most things really.... So that makes everything from Panos to saving the trico Building political..... That drives people to be so over involved.... Also Buffalo has a history of doing stupid things like putting a high way in the middle of the park....
Hope these guys get there money and get a 2nd truck.....

lloyds Kickstarter Page currently they have like 17 hours to go.... Yes I should have written about this last night....Yes I donated some money but won't say how much... How much you give determines how much you get.... You only get charged the money you give if they make the goal.... They are trying to get a 2nd truck....
So this got a lot of bad press I guess some people got really upset about this.... There was an article in the artvoice about it....

Now on Facebook a few people posted about this and thanks cause that reminded me I wanted to help them out and give some money..... Now the point was brought up about out rage like this is why Buffalo will never be anything.... I'm sorry I don't remember the exact debate. But my point was kinda that I get why people think that a Business shouldn't ask for money.... If you that is taco truck or a theatre company your prices and what you spend need to be that you make enough money on your own..... The other point I was making was that in this town.... The government is so corrupt and they do so little and the people do most things really.... So that makes everything from Panos to saving the trico Building political..... That drives people to be so over involved.... Also Buffalo has a history of doing stupid things like putting a high way in the middle of the park....
Hope these guys get there money and get a 2nd truck.....
03/26/2012 17:01 #56289
SmashCategory: tv
So I tried to watch like 5 minutes of the voice and I'm sorry I can't I like Christina to much with her huge rack and you can sometimes see what looked like not her nipples but however you spell the thing that pasties cover..... It is to much for me to take... Plus it is on when Wrestling is on... But after that is a great show I think called SMASH.... It is kinda like Glee in a way that it is a singing show.... Or maybe kinda like Fame was.... But it isn't a school it is adults going through a musical so yes there is drama and sex as well not that they can show any thing really on NBC nudity wise.... So I DVR it and I think it is great..... So I figured I would find a few youtube videos to post.... Now what I don't know is how they do season 2.... Will it be the same actors and the story continues about the musical going on and maybe a new cast or do they do a different musical I have no idea.... Story wise the musical isn't even all written..... So here are a few videos I assume......
a scene from a club
Great Voice Yes there are some odd pop up things on the video.... She currently plays the back up.......
This is Monroe well the person playing her.....
Now I like many different bands and styles..... But one thing I like about the musical style... Or at least one reason why I think I like it... Is that when it is good when a note is held.... the sound of the word or letter is kept... How many songs does someone say a a word and hold it and you have no idea what it is they just sang.......
I admit This is the first time hearing this.... Of course unless you are a punk band covering this is such a touch song... No one can do it as good as Judy Garland........
Ok that is plenty..... The vocals are great but they are so better with the visuals so you know whom is singing.....
a scene from a club
Great Voice Yes there are some odd pop up things on the video.... She currently plays the back up.......
This is Monroe well the person playing her.....
Now I like many different bands and styles..... But one thing I like about the musical style... Or at least one reason why I think I like it... Is that when it is good when a note is held.... the sound of the word or letter is kept... How many songs does someone say a a word and hold it and you have no idea what it is they just sang.......
I admit This is the first time hearing this.... Of course unless you are a punk band covering this is such a touch song... No one can do it as good as Judy Garland........
Ok that is plenty..... The vocals are great but they are so better with the visuals so you know whom is singing.....
Oh yeah forgot about the no meat thing...... Yes the Krazy Corn is great!!!!
Their Corn and butter + garlic is very tasty.
Well they haven't contacted me yet.... But at the level I gave I think I get a Free taco, Bottle of Rocket Sauce, Shirt, Bumper sticker, and not sure how this part works but I get to sign the truck.... They had one package where you got a speed pass... If I worked downtown I would have got this or If I would be able to eat there weekly... Think it was in my price range? Say 30 People in line you walk up the to front of course anyone else with one would be able to do that to.... But maybe it was out of my price range.... But no real shares in the truck......
So you got yourself a free taco and coop shares in the truck? :-)
Just to update this.... They got enough Money so they will be getting a 2nd truck.... Also people who are backers will (not sure how it works yet) will get what the premiums are for their level of backing.....