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02/24/2012 02:50 #56117

Fixed Signup Bug
Category: estrip
I fixed the signup bug. It was caused by a change to the USPS site that I was using to validate the zip codes. They changed the site and the validation wasn't working any more. Thanks for reporting it (e:heidi) and Jolene.
metalpeter - 02/27/12 17:45
Party Pictures do go on here.... What I try to do most of the time is put them on here... Then anyone who likes there own pictures can take them and do what ever they want with them.....

In Terms of book of face: Now there are sometimes people on there who aren't on (e:strip) so the only pictures that get tagged are like Tony, Matt, Terry, Heidi, maybe Cyndi and me if I get myself a couple people who I know well and then there are some people who I know not to tag... The best way is to just tag Matt and terry and then people who know them or know people who know them and where at the party if they want can get pictures of them selves or check out the party Pictures... Also in the past there have been pictures that didn't go up on book of face........

So I will not tag you in anything and I also won't say like see that girl next to her well not her but the other one or anything like that....
jolene - 02/26/12 20:07
@ (e:tinypliny)-Ummm, yeah, that's internet-creepy all right. We probably have met before though.

@ (e:metalpeter)- I happen to know that NYE party pictures ended up on the Book of Face. How's that for internet-creepy? Hence my comment about tagging, but I appreciate your restraint none the less.
tinypliny - 02/26/12 16:38
LOL, yeah, I will find who you are one way or the other. (does that sound internet-creepy enough?) Actually, I think I might have met you before.
metalpeter - 02/26/12 13:05
One thing that I do like about (e:strip) is that there is no Tagging...... I also decided to not post a picture or to look for a picture with you in it.... Besides I'm sure you and (e:tinypliny) will meet or have meet before.... One of the great things about those parties is how there are all these people and no one can talk to everyone but how there are people you go oh I've seen them before.....
jolene - 02/25/12 13:52
"Tall, black hair and busty" is certainly accurate-I'll take it!
Pictures of me from NYE are not to be tagged or in any way identified...there are enough drunken pictures of me on the internet as it is!

And my favorite "Jolene" song :

Thanks for fixing the bug, and no worries (e:metalpeter), I'm a pacifist...
metalpeter - 02/24/12 19:59
Well the hair was black but can't remember if one would call it long..... When she does join she may pull an (e:tinypliny) and murder me slowly with ax blows to the neck...HA
tinypliny - 02/24/12 19:07
So tall black hair (tall and black hair? or long black hair), busty and "showing off the goods (A bootleg Samsung Galaxy tab?) in a red top"

yeah, not helpful. Unless you can pinpoint her in one of your snaps!
metalpeter - 02/24/12 18:29
@(e:tinypliny) If memory serves you where both at the same party Maybe New Years or the new Years before Red Top showing off the goods in fact I kinda remember a conversation I think about Jolene like the song at said party... At the time I had no idea it was a Dolly song and think I had heard someone not her sing it Matt knew it was Dolly who sang it.... But again parties tend to blend together and alcohol blends them together even more.... Well I heard of Rumor of the drink till you pass out St. Pats day Parade...HA ..Party.. Kidding on that one
heidi - 02/24/12 18:20
Yes, we all know you've been neglecting your real-life (e:strip) responsibilities. :-p I hadn't heard the Mindy Smith version of Jolene - thanks! (e:Metalpeter) described the (e:peep)-to-be Jolene accurately. She was trying to sign up the other night and was having validation trouble.
tinypliny - 02/24/12 18:12
that reminds me that I haven't been to the last 2 parties or so now. :/
tinypliny - 02/24/12 18:12
I have heard that white stripes version but I think I like the Mindy Smith version the best!
tinypliny - 02/24/12 18:11
Very tall, black hair and busty?

Oh well, that just tells me it's not even remotely me.
metalpeter - 02/24/12 17:49
Well that is a good song.... Guessing you may know the Alison Krauss version the white stripes do a pretty good version as well....

Now in terms of the name Jolene (not sure if she has an (e:peep) name or account yet or currently) but was at this last party and the one before.... I can describe her as very tall black hair and what is the nice way to say it very busty.....
tinypliny - 02/24/12 11:44
Yikers. I had no idea it was a dolly parton song! that was completely unexpected.

I was thinking of this one: :::link::: I loved the guitar riffs and mainly her beautiful voice.
heidi - 02/24/12 11:02

(e:tinypliny) :::link:::
tinypliny - 02/24/12 03:01
Jolene... vaguely familiar name. A song, perhaps? Jolene. Jolene? Can't remember too well.

12/28/2011 13:04 #55806

New Year's Eve 2012
Category: party
Oops, I forgot to tell some of you there is in fact a new years 2012 party at the 24 (24 Linwood Ave). Its open invite, feel free to invite all your friends. Ball drop at midnight.
heidi - 01/01/12 21:37
I had a wonderful time, (e:PMT). Thanks always for hosting!
heidi - 12/30/11 21:27
(e:tinypliny), please see (e:tinypliny,55176). This event meets goals B1, B4, C2, C3, C4 and helps with A1, A5 & A6. See you tomorrow!
metalpeter - 12/30/11 19:48
On A serious note yes... You will be Missed....
tinypliny - 12/30/11 17:39
Yeah, my mind is no where near any parties right now, unfortunately. :( I guess you know my take on alcohol, in general.
metalpeter - 12/30/11 17:34
I think that is why (e:tinypliny) that is why you should be there.... Almost having a Panic attack is why your own Bottle of Champagne would mellow out all the stress of course the next day............. But of course that is just my view.... Of course if you where there and your mind was other places I could see how it wouldn't be good...
tinypliny - 12/29/11 23:00
I won't be there. :/ I will probably be up the street having a massive heart/panic attack over everything in general.

As of today, things are not going on schedule. :/
paul - 12/29/11 21:14
Around 9PM is good. Maybe even 9:30. We have to go to dinner first at my parents house at 6PM.
mrmike - 12/29/11 20:24
Can't miss the ball drop. I attribute a lot of 2011's fuck up it ness to my missing the drop last year
metalpeter - 12/28/11 17:14
I assume at about the 9PM hour? I'll be there with my big Camera... Now to just find $5,000 worth of alcohol kidding but sure it will be a good Time.....
kookcity2000 - 12/28/11 15:20
I think I'll be there after the hockey game

12/14/2011 02:12 #55734 android app update
Category: mobile
I updated the android app You can find it by searching the marketplace on you android device. The new version allows you to back out with the back button and return. I also saves the category, title, entry, pics selected when you leave the app without publishing so that you can come back to it as requested.
tinypliny - 12/14/11 13:15
Is version 1.19 the latest?
heidi - 12/14/11 10:32

Now I have to do something interesting to test it. :-)

10/27/2011 18:55 #55392

Halloween Party - Friday Night 24 linwood 14209
Category: holidays
Don't forget about the Halloween party Friday, Oct 28th. 24 Linwood Ave, 14209. 9PM open invite.


10/21/2011 17:37 #55344

Halloween Party
Category: holidays
Sorry its so late in the season to announce it, but we are having a Halloween party on Friday, Oct 28th. Feel free to bring whoever you want besides that one sketchy Chris guy, lol.

24 Linwood Ave 9PM.

tinypliny - 10/22/11 16:48
sketchy chris who is banned.
metalpeter - 10/22/11 16:37
I don't know who that even is ..... I missed the puke story.... I can't say anything about that since I have drank to much my self in the past and felt no different then when I drank the right amount.... Still not sure how at the last party sure seemed like I drank a lot how I was ok.....
tinypliny - 10/22/11 16:23
he was pretty disgusting. he puked on everyone.
metalpeter - 10/22/11 10:56
Can he go into work in Costume?
tinypliny - 10/22/11 10:52
11 at night? Does your company provide 24 hour customer support?
paul - 10/22/11 10:41
Can you trade with someone?
mike - 10/22/11 10:20
ugh, i have to work until 11
ajay - 10/22/11 02:06
I'll look forward to the pics, as always.
springfaerie - 10/21/11 18:28
I might attend, guys! I know it's been forever and a day since I've actually shown up at an E-Peeps function but I'm sure it'll be epic! ;)
metalpeter - 10/21/11 17:49
Sounds like a good time......