At cantina loco. My head is spinning, I already need a nap
Flacidness's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/18/2012 13:44 #55934
Tequlia tasting!!!!01/16/2012 04:12 #55926
His dreamMLK day

flacidness - 01/16/12 13:54
It's a pic I took last year in chicago. They had a stained glass exhibit.
It's a pic I took last year in chicago. They had a stained glass exhibit.
paul - 01/16/12 12:04
That is pretty cool looking, where did you see it?
That is pretty cool looking, where did you see it?
01/15/2012 18:40 #55924
world without loveSince this new year has started I have been making it my point to make positive changes in my life and i have been doing just that. But when all i witness and hear about is Hardship and violence and people hurting others around me in my family and friends my heart continues to break. And it is really hard to keep a positive outlook on life anymore. I wish everyone was as committed as me to spread love and make others happy. But that's clearly not the case. Now i know that drinking will not help any of the situations but i feel as if i don't have a choice. I need an escape. The Mayans say this is the last year we all have. That's how i treat everyday i live and i realize that everyday we are on this earth is a blessing. I'm not sure if i can stay in this life without love anymore I'm at a breaking point now and don't know what i can do or how to help it. And i want so badly to do that. So I'm cracking open my first beer of the day and just be for now. Goodnight all.
lilho - 01/16/12 09:50
i love you. sometimes things go sour, but nothing is forever... ;0)
i love you. sometimes things go sour, but nothing is forever... ;0)
01/13/2012 10:55 #55901
Well thank you PaulAin't this some shit..... I was totally ok with 30 and 40 degree temps. But NO somebody had to demand snow and now we got it in abundance with ugly high speed winds. Boy I tell you if it wasn't for me going to school now and trying to settle down I would be omw back to new orleans til about march lol. This shit sucks and I have errands to run today. Errands with no car. Paul I hope you are happy sir for some reason you were heard for some reason. I'm about to go get my cuddle buddy. Stay warm or stay inside if you can everybody.
metalpeter - 01/13/12 16:57
I wasn't out in the wind for to long but man was it cold....
I wasn't out in the wind for to long but man was it cold....
matthew - 01/13/12 13:26
I'm okay with the snow, its the crazy wind that gets to me. The 30 min walk to work this morning wasnt much fun.
I'm okay with the snow, its the crazy wind that gets to me. The 30 min walk to work this morning wasnt much fun.
01/06/2012 19:17 #55860
spoon fed mikelibertad - 01/07/12 18:44
Libertad does not condone this behavior, mmmm k?
Libertad does not condone this behavior, mmmm k?
metalpeter - 01/07/12 10:50
Hope this was from before the Beatings and not after...... So Funny.... But why isn't (e:libertad) doing the feeding as well...
Hope this was from before the Beatings and not after...... So Funny.... But why isn't (e:libertad) doing the feeding as well...
Sorry that I somehow didn't get that you worked there even though what I wrote would say that I did know...ARGH.... In any event the food was good not that I had any Idea what do with that big leaf.... yes I spent like 3 times as much on drinks as food.... Didn't try any of the tequila pix and didn't have a camera so no pictures of the food.... But I do plan on going back so in any event it was nice to see you....Hope they treat you good there....I'm sure they do....
lucky work! Today I saw it was open.... Might have to try it this weekend we shall see.....
Oh I should probably mention it was for work lol.