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12/26/2011 20:49 #55802

Christmas B-day
Category: holiday
So Far Christmas and My Birthday where ok.... Yes there was some Drama a bit... But Mission Impossible was pretty good... Got to see the Christmas Windows Tonight Downtown and see some more Family..... Then Christmas Finishes up with TSO on Tuesday.... And then Thursday is a WWE House show... Not sure about Cameras and TSO so taking the little one... Wish I could take the Zoom but then gotta take it to work and that is a pain and then find out if I can take it in and ARGh..... So hoping to post those and the Christmas Windows and DT on Wends but we shall see... Hope Everyone had a great Holiday and has a great New Year.....

12/20/2011 20:41 #55778

Christmas 4
Category: holiday
So thought I should write something positive and some people might think I am nuts but that is ok.... I know for a fact (now this doesn't prove that there is a god or even if it did that it is the one that you prey to.... )... But I do know for a fact that there is something... Don't know if you would call it a spirit and angel cause I don't know what it was but one night I was touched (not that way) by something..... Now maybe one could say I just enjoy American Horror story to much. But seriously though one night I woke up cause I felt a hand press down on my shoulder.... Yeah it freaked me out a bit... Thinking one hears a voice in an apartment doesn't mean much....

So thought I would list some things that I do like about the holiday....
  1. Christmas Lights what isn't to like about Christmas lights or other holiday lights and huge things on lawns....
  2. Christmas movies: Ok granted when Culkin Had a beard and they had to use his brother it got silly but there are a lot of great movies ok and some bad ones I have never seen all of like A Wonderful life.....
  3. The Fact that people who never give will at this time of year
  4. The Fact that this is (unless you do the out door adventure sports thing) the only time the snow looks nice.....HA
  5. unexpected gifts (this doesn't happen very often)
  6. Did I say the Christmas lights
  7. Oh yeah a Burlesque Performance of A Nightmare Before Christmas
  8. Christmas Specials
  9. Christmas Cookies

Ok not going to push this.......
metalpeter - 12/22/11 17:59
I thank you a head of time.... Hoping they surprise as well.... I've had some cookies at work that where pretty good..... This working 5 days a week thing one would think I would be use to it by now but these last few years Christmas comes out of like nowhere.... Maybe (HA) it has something with the fact that Myspace had a Christmas count down clock and Facebook doesn't..... Thanksgiving hits and then it feels like Christmas is a week away all most... ARGh.... Or maybe I'm losing my mind a bit? It could also be that the week after Christmas are two events at the Arena TSO and WWE that might effect my perspective? I wish I was better at taking pictures of Christmas Lights that would have been fun to do.....
ladycroft - 12/22/11 06:19
Well I think some of this is doable so I hope your family can surprise you with something that makes you happy :) I'd make you cookies if I was home! Like I said before, your gift is going to be late because we missed the shipping deadline for USA....but it will come by the new year, so yay!
metalpeter - 12/21/11 16:39
I forgot to that there is Christmas Candy..... The Simple way to explain Nightmare.... Is there is this land where it is all ways Halloween and I forget how but someone someone finds these doors or pathways to other Holidays so they go to what is our world and do Christmas the Halloween way it is pretty crazy.... But what is nice about it is it is also a Halloween Movie......
tinypliny - 12/20/11 21:12
I like christmas lights, christmas songs, unexpected gifts (my advisor gave a tea mug out of the blue today). I was completely taken aback but it was such a beautiful little moment to realize that she cares about me! I love christmas movies. They are so happy!

I don't like snow. It makes things yuck. Not a fan of christmas cookies - they are too sweet for me. Never saw "a nightmare before christmas", so I have no idea what it is about.

And oooh, I have those kind of nightmares all the time! I feel someone pushing me down and since I sleep on the floor, when I wake up it feels very real. But its not really scary. I just feel frustrated that I was not able to push them back.

12/19/2011 17:24 #55774

Christmas 3 2011 What I need for Christmas....
Category: holiday
I still can't really believe how close Christmas is.... I still think there needs to be more time between it and Thanksgiving.... Or maybe Time just goes by really quickly..... I think waking up early going to work coming in going on line for a couple hours then watching some shows then repeat all week makes the time fly buy.... Not to mention then on Saturday catching the stuff on DVR... Then all day Sunday is football and a bit of online and my Sunday night line up..... Then the next week starts..... So I all ways think I have all this time and next thing I know oops didn't get that person a present and oops there are all these nice Charities I never gave a dime to.... Ooops and I think that is part of what weighed on me the other day Some.... So I thought I would just put down some things I need .... For Christmas.....

By the way I'm not asking anyone for anything this is just Kinda a list for me: I'm sure what ever I really get will be good ?
  1. A freezer that keeps things frozen and just runs ... Not this crap that most of them do where the stuff warms up then gets colder so that ice crystals form or the ice cream is rock hard or way to soft ARGH!
  1. 400 or 500 photo Photos albums for some reason recently they have become hard to find about 20-25 of them... Now I don't need that many now But if I had them then I could just keep getting pictures developed kinda mega behind on that
  1. A computer with printer and a slew of memory: Of course still not sure if a PC or Laptop would be better.... This way I could do things like when I go to a show and come home start the download and some up loads then.... And things like that uploading pictures as I watch a show or something....
  1. A women with a big mouth and tight tiny lips....HA had to toss that one in there (A booty call girl?)
  1. Storage for all my fucking clothes
  1. A washer and Dryer... Of course one would need the hookups in their place so........
  1. The Time for some great Blu-Ray movies.......
  1. Another TV so that I It would be easy to Watch The Sabres or some other sport with no sound and see what is going on as I watch a show with a story....
  1. A gangster style Suit and a fun Suit I admit would be nice to have or just some fun clothes .......

Well guess that is it really the Time one implies Movies as well like Star Wars and clone wars and fun stuff like that.....
metalpeter - 12/21/11 16:43
Well that is a good point on the photos but digital storage isn't the same as opening up a album. We get wiped out bye the aliens using and EMP ! Or we turn into zombies we would be able to at least open some pages and see some pictures.... The point is Digital isn't real when power goes away so does it.... Now that being said it would be cool to have a machine set up with all my photos on disc and one could have slide shows...... Yes Albums do take up a lot of space but looking at a picture on a screen isn't the same....
tinypliny - 12/20/11 21:14
I would say that a computer with duplicate harddrives might be a good way to go instead of printing out photos or having physical photo albums. if you have a backup you will never lose anything.
tinypliny - 12/20/11 21:00
you could edit this post if you want. just remove the empty lines between hashed lines.
metalpeter - 12/20/11 20:21
Ok it worked.....
metalpeter - 12/20/11 18:48
Yeah I hit enter and put space so I will try again might let it be public for about the time it takes to read then make it private an up coming post? Unless I can think of something else where a numbered list would be good...Oh thanks by the way...
tinypliny - 12/19/11 20:02
I think you typed enter twice. Which broke the lists. Just eliminate the line after each item in your post and it will render the list correctly.
tinypliny - 12/19/11 19:58
oops. so the lists work in comments
{I wish


worked in comments
What about [code]{let's see if it does} [/code]

So (e:metalpeter), just ignore the backslashes below. The comment below this is what you will get if you type without the backslashes:

Yes, if you keep on typing
\# something with no break ENTER
\# something else with no break ENTER
\# 3rd thing ENTER
\# it should put all the above and this sentence as a numbered list

On the other hand if you typed
\* 0something with no break ENTER
\* something else with no break ENTER
\* 3rd thing ENTER
\* it should put all the above and this sentence as a un-numbered list

If you break the items
\# Like this ENTER
something else
\# it will break this list

like so:

1. Like this ENTER
something else
1. it will break this list
tinypliny - 12/19/11 19:56
Yes, if you keep on typing
  1. something with no break ENTER
  2. something else with no break ENTER
  3. 3rd thing ENTER
  4. it should put all the above and this sentence as a numbered list

On the other hand if you typed
  • 0something with no break ENTER
  • something else with no break ENTER
  • 3rd thing ENTER
  • it should put all the above and this sentence as a un-numbered list

If you break the items
  1. Like this ENTER
something else
  1. it will break this list

like so:

1. Like this ENTER
something else
1. it will break this list
metalpeter - 12/19/11 17:26
So Question to those that know? I didn't type 1. I used the # sign was there a way (think so that I don't remember) where it would have gone to 2. and 3. ?

12/18/2011 10:54 #55764

For e:tinypliny and Christmas Music
Category: music
Thought you would find this 1st Video Funny Wait till they mock out Justin Bieber and at the end.... Ok this video has another bit right after it... Guess cause it is Youtube and not the SNL site.... Besides I wouldn't know how to most from there......

Here is the non mockery and Him singing for non comedy he is pretty good..... Again this is from youtube not SNL's site since I don't know how to share from there on (e:strip).....

Yes Sometimes Dealing with this holiday is tough But I love the music... Now I know some people might not like this guy and I'm not a huge fan but these two songs are great... Wonder if I could handle an entire Album?

Now one thing is I don't want to just go all over youtube and put up like 2hrs of Christmas music..... For examples... I think one reason for liking Christmas music is that many of the songs are a sound you only hear at Christmas.... What I mean is if you as an example of those two videos how often do you see them play violins on the radio... Now granted some songs change cause every time someone covers them they put their flavor on it..... Yes there are some songs that aren't about Christmas but get put into that..... To me the songs aren't ever really about buying stuff it is all about being with friends or family or love and those types of things?

As an example thought I would use Baby It's cold outside Just the dean Martin Version... The Sexuality in this song is so strong... Now of course it is from a different era... But has nothing to do with Christmas but it is the only time you hear it..... Yes love the Glee version from the show but gotta go with the original....

metalpeter - 12/19/11 17:02
Glad you liked it.... Justin does have talent I'll give it to him there.....
tinypliny - 12/18/11 19:07
Hahah, loved the sketch. That was way beyond hilarious! Thanks for posting!
It is also a pretty acrid statement on what stars do to get popular these days (lol @the kesha and that person who has a gun segment).

Loved the live songs!!! Bublé has a voice made of silk*.

  • Though I must say, aside from all the pop jokes, Justin Beiber is actually a very good singer. :)
tinypliny - 12/18/11 19:07
Hahah, loved the sketch. That was way beyond hilarious! Thanks for posting!
It is also a pretty acrid statement on what stars do to get popular these days (lol @the kesha and that person who has a gun segment).

Loved the live songs!!! Bublé has a voice made of silk*.

  • Though I must say, aside from all the pop jokes, Justin Beiber is actually a very good singer. :)

12/17/2011 19:02 #55761

All I Want For Chirstmas!?EDIT
Category: holiday
So thought I would give this a Cat. Of Party not sure where it fits..... It isn't really about the holiday it isn't really a way of thinking ......
Well Slight very slight Edit I thought Well it is kinda about the holiday So I changed the Category to Holiday also after I wrote this I watched SNL that even though all of it wasn't funny was the Christmas Episode? So that kinda changed how I was feeling at the time.... Plus I'm sure my Body's Metabolism lately has been on mega high so that never helps....

So First I'm sorry but Christmas gets here way to fast not really enough pay checks or time to get stuff.... This seems to be like a recent thing of time moving that way So I say Black Friday needs to be ended.... Now I get day after thanksgiving everyone is off so why not shop? Sure ... But see when it is an event it kinda says don't shop till then... So I say lets also make thanksgiving happen one week earlier.... I mean it isn't like we are celebrating a real day... It is ok the guys with guns and Horses who thought they where in spain now can't speak with the people here so how do they make it through winter..... So then once they learn everything the people with the horses and guns take the place over with lots of blood shed and the some would say greatest country in the world comes to be.... So then we see what we are thankful for....

So won't get into the debate about what Christmas is about... Is it Gifts or god or both or some Pegan thing or worshiping the dead or about how Jews killed Jesus or any of that stuff or how ever time you go shopping you should buy a gift for a Charity as well... None of that...

Now what I want for Christmas.... Honestly don't know... Yeah there are movies and CDs that I won't have time to watch and other things that are way to costly to even think about asking for.... See once you start working there becomes a point where I don't know it isn't that you just don't care... It is that like when you can and decide not to or to get something it kinda kills a lot of the magic?

So not to be a downer but what I want is...... Things like world peace are silly really cause it will never happen and even if it did would that mean you couldn't have violent movies and games and sports........

To be in a nice Fancy Apartment watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on a huge screen and maybe some other movies... With lots of lovely (and personalities to match no bitches or people who think they are queen) Tattooed ladies (burlesque girls perhaps ) and non to have fun drugs and watch movies and great crazy and nothing weird after words... Is that to much to ask?
metalpeter - 12/18/11 09:59
Well "John Lennon" Ha.... I think there is really only two ways for world peace to happen and neither one of them is anything anyone wants..... Well ok maybe 3 but they all not very good......
1. Humanity Gets wiped out.... What ever being you believe in Aliens, Angels, gods get sick of all this killing in their names
2. Again With the spirit stuff Humanity loses free will.... See everyone has a choice to do what they do and believe what they believe well when you have no choice of what to do you just do what is commanded (again think of some Heavenly being)
3. A real threat that unless people unite would kill us all.... You know like the banks...HA.... But what if the banks all used one money and there was no cash ....HA....
tinypliny - 12/17/11 20:35
I want world peace.