First I must admit I don't drink Beer... But often Love the ads.... Miller lite has had some Great Ones... The Question I have to ask though are their Newest Ads Homophobic? Either way they are funny.....
Now the first ones I post are not the ones that might be thought of that way..... I liked them cause they where funny had hot Women in them and often tied into fashion but maybe a bit of the view could be in them?
Ok I admit I have never seen this Man Up with the Scarf before... But see it talks about how one needs to be a man... Aka Don't wear a scarf but again they mention it is 70 out so......
Yes Crap quality I admit but as funny it was when I once saw it one does notice that she breaks on his manillyness... Now I think saying that is like when you call some one bitch, Pussy, Girl, it is kinda the equal of calling them queer but that is just mean or maybe when guys call each other fags it is being used like that?
This one Is only mention the put down once... Now that being said that is what guys do we break balls and that is part of the fun.....
However before I get to far into this... I need to mention that I have one problem with the Miller Lite ads.... That is that If you finish this or watch and of the ads or know what they are then you will know that they have some unmanly things.... I gotta say sorry but drinking lite beer is one of them.... Have a beer with that Burger you pussy.... Or maybe just get Vodka Mixed with something or a Mike's light Beer gross.....
The one That I find the best... See to me this one isn't like the rest it is about picking on those people who think they are cool and to me it is funny....
So Dragons are great but not on clothes at a bar....
Now for the ones that really break on the manliness (how ever you spell it not being a good speller is part of being a real man...[in deep raspy voice])
-That is right even the Women Bag on this dude.........
Now here is where I pick on them... If you go to the mountains You Bring Coors not that light stuff the stuff in the Yellow Cans or be a real man and grab a Bottle of something Like Jack Daniels ok maybe that is really just a rock star thing......
New To Me and The Strawberry Stuff ? Should have been used on those girls......
Screaming Like a Little Girl now they don't say it but they sure imply it... Now here is my thought and just a thought... That a lot of the anti homo stuff guys say to each other isn't that they hate gays but some of it is ? But that a strong portion of that is really from Gender Roles... Now over time a lot of those have changed.... But there is still a way a women and a man are "Supposed" to act and when they don't that is when other terms get used?
I admit pretty Funny ad... But on the flip side This guy gets outed on a plane and who are those people? Again one could make the case your on a flight Real mean drink Hard Liquor not that pussy light beer shit... Bet "The most Interesting Man In The world" (two great local parodies on him by the way) would mock them out.......
There might be more that I haven't seen or didn't see on Youtube but I think the point is made.... Again I'm not saying that they are homophobic at all... I'm more asking are they because ask what a man is or isn't? I think I also need to assuming anyone is still reading this say what the most Racist Ad I've ever seen is....... All The Trix adds.....
The Tag line is "Silly rabbit Tricks Are for Kids"..... See this ads teaches or at least copies the idea of Racism... See they love the rabbit like the would a friend or a slave or Live In nanny.... But see they are a rabbit they aren't the same... There are certain things they just can't have because they are a rabbit...... There is even a shirt I said that modernized it a bit the wording I don't remember exactly but "Silly Fagot Dicks are for Chicks"... It is the same mentality. But who Am I , I don't think that there is anything wrong with like Ms. Butterworth or anything like that... Now I don't remember the ads but they are just an Image that tells us (wait maybe it is racist now on my 2nd though) ok this Black women is a good cook so this will be good?
Metalpeter's Journal
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12/12/2011 17:37 #55725
Is Miller Light Homophobic?Category: philosophy
12/06/2011 17:49 #55660
Adjust billy joelCategory: movies
So over the weekend I wrote a post and later that night I saw a movie that kinda tied in a bit called The Adjustment Bearu (or however the spell checker won't pic it up)... The basic of the idea of the movie is that there is a plan for you and everyone and when that plan goes off course these guys fix it... It is an action movie with a love story or maybe it is both... Even though it is kinda sci fi it also is about faith a bit......
Now the movie I watched today was on Showtime On Demand... It was called Last Play at Shea... It is about Shea Stadium and is intermixed with the last show there being Billy Joel and has his and the stadiums history and the concert it was pretty good....
Now the movie I watched today was on Showtime On Demand... It was called Last Play at Shea... It is about Shea Stadium and is intermixed with the last show there being Billy Joel and has his and the stadiums history and the concert it was pretty good....
12/12/2011 15:54 #55724
Food For e:tinyplinyCategory: news

So this article was in the Buffalo News the other day.... I can admit that I don't post stories to often on here anymore.... Now part of the reason is that reading the paper is mostly an at work thing and then it takes like 2 or 3 clicks to share them.... And one shouldn't really be on (e:strip) at work so even on ones break..... Now that being said I wonder if the addiction part of this has to do with Habit? Humans love their habits.... Go to a movie there has to be Popcorn and drink other wise the movie blows.... Football = Food and drinks... There is a Habit part of addiction that is very strong... I would assume that someone who had a gambling problem might not know what to do with them selves during sports.... Some times when people stop smoking their fingers don't know what to do.... In any event an interesting article....
That being said though I do think that food can be addictive and would say I mostly agree with this... At the least isn't it odd that Chips and salty and so are Pretzels and then one needs something to drink....
A sugar high
New evidence suggests fatty foods are as addictive as drugs
By Robert Langreth and Duane D. Stanford
December 11, 2011, 12:00 AM
Updated: December 11, 2011, 6:56 AM
Cupcakes may be addictive, just like cocaine. A growing body of medical research at leading universities and government laboratories suggests that processed foods and sugary drinks aren’t simply unhealthy. They can hijack the brain in ways that resemble addictions to cocaine, nicotine and other drugs.
“The data is so overwhelming the field has to accept it,†said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain.â€
The idea that food may be addictive was barely on scientists’ radar a decade ago. Now the field is heating up. Lab studies have found sugary drinks and fatty foods can produce addictive behavior in animals. Brain scans of obese people and compulsive eaters, meanwhile, reveal disturbances in brain reward circuits similar to those experienced by drug abusers.
As the evidence expands, the science of addiction could become a game-changer for the $1 trillion food and beverage industries. If fatty foods and snacks and drinks sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup are proven to be addictive, food companies may face the most drawn-out consumer safety battle since the anti-smoking movement took on the tobacco industry.
“This could change the legal landscape,†said Kelly Brownell, director of Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy&Obesity and a proponent of anti-obesity regulation. “People knew for a long time cigarettes were killing people, but it was only later they learned about nicotine and the intentional manipulation of it.â€
Food company executives and lobbyists are quick to counter that nothing has been proven, that nothing is wrong with what Pepsi- Co Chief Executive Officer Indra Nooyi calls “fun-for-you†foods, if eaten in moderation. In fact, the companies say they’re making big strides toward offering consumers a wide range of healthier snacks.
No one disputes that obesity is a fast-growing global problem. In the United States, a third of adults and 17 percent of teens and children are obese. A 2009 study of 900,000 people, published in the Lancet, found that moderate obesity reduces life expectancy by two to four years, while severe obesity shortens life expectancy by as much as 10 years.
Sugars and fats have always been present in the human diet and our bodies are programmed to crave them. What has changed is modern processing that creates food with concentrated levels of sugars, unhealthy fats and refined flour, without redeeming levels of fiber or nutrients. Consumption of large quantities of those processed foods may be changing the way the brain is wired.
Those changes look a lot like addiction to some experts. Addiction “is a loaded term, but there are aspects of the modern diet that can elicit behavior that resembles addiction,†said David Ludwig, a Harvard researcher and director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Children’s Hospital Boston. Highly processed foods may cause rapid spikes and declines in blood sugar, increasing cravings, his research has found.
Constant stimulation with tasty, calorie-laden foods may desensitize the brain’s circuitry, leading people to consume more junk food to maintain a constant state of pleasure.
In one 2010 study, scientists at Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Fla., fed rats an array of fatty and sugary products including bacon, pound cake, cheesecake and cake frosting. The study measured activity in regions of the brain involved in registering reward and pleasure through electrodes implanted in the rats.
The rats that had access to these foods for one hour a day started binge eating, even when more nutritious food was available all day long. Other groups of rats that had access to the sweets and fatty foods for 18 to 23 hours per day became obese, Paul Kenny, the Scripps scientist heading the study, wrote in the journal Nature Neuroscience. The results produced the same brain pattern that occurs with escalating intake of cocaine, he wrote.
Damage to the brain’s reward centers may occur when people eat excessive quantities of food. In one 2010 study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas in Austin and the Oregon Research Institute, 26 overweight women were given magnetic resonance imaging scans as they got sips of a milkshake made with ice cream and chocolate syrup. The women got repeat MRI scans six months later. Those who had gained weight showed reduced activity in the striatum, a region of the brain that registers reward, when they sipped milkshakes, according to the study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
New evidence suggests fatty foods are as addictive as drugs
By Robert Langreth and Duane D. Stanford
December 11, 2011, 12:00 AM
Updated: December 11, 2011, 6:56 AM
Cupcakes may be addictive, just like cocaine. A growing body of medical research at leading universities and government laboratories suggests that processed foods and sugary drinks aren’t simply unhealthy. They can hijack the brain in ways that resemble addictions to cocaine, nicotine and other drugs.
“The data is so overwhelming the field has to accept it,†said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain.â€
The idea that food may be addictive was barely on scientists’ radar a decade ago. Now the field is heating up. Lab studies have found sugary drinks and fatty foods can produce addictive behavior in animals. Brain scans of obese people and compulsive eaters, meanwhile, reveal disturbances in brain reward circuits similar to those experienced by drug abusers.
As the evidence expands, the science of addiction could become a game-changer for the $1 trillion food and beverage industries. If fatty foods and snacks and drinks sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup are proven to be addictive, food companies may face the most drawn-out consumer safety battle since the anti-smoking movement took on the tobacco industry.
“This could change the legal landscape,†said Kelly Brownell, director of Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy&Obesity and a proponent of anti-obesity regulation. “People knew for a long time cigarettes were killing people, but it was only later they learned about nicotine and the intentional manipulation of it.â€
Food company executives and lobbyists are quick to counter that nothing has been proven, that nothing is wrong with what Pepsi- Co Chief Executive Officer Indra Nooyi calls “fun-for-you†foods, if eaten in moderation. In fact, the companies say they’re making big strides toward offering consumers a wide range of healthier snacks.
No one disputes that obesity is a fast-growing global problem. In the United States, a third of adults and 17 percent of teens and children are obese. A 2009 study of 900,000 people, published in the Lancet, found that moderate obesity reduces life expectancy by two to four years, while severe obesity shortens life expectancy by as much as 10 years.
Sugars and fats have always been present in the human diet and our bodies are programmed to crave them. What has changed is modern processing that creates food with concentrated levels of sugars, unhealthy fats and refined flour, without redeeming levels of fiber or nutrients. Consumption of large quantities of those processed foods may be changing the way the brain is wired.
Those changes look a lot like addiction to some experts. Addiction “is a loaded term, but there are aspects of the modern diet that can elicit behavior that resembles addiction,†said David Ludwig, a Harvard researcher and director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Children’s Hospital Boston. Highly processed foods may cause rapid spikes and declines in blood sugar, increasing cravings, his research has found.
Constant stimulation with tasty, calorie-laden foods may desensitize the brain’s circuitry, leading people to consume more junk food to maintain a constant state of pleasure.
In one 2010 study, scientists at Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Fla., fed rats an array of fatty and sugary products including bacon, pound cake, cheesecake and cake frosting. The study measured activity in regions of the brain involved in registering reward and pleasure through electrodes implanted in the rats.
The rats that had access to these foods for one hour a day started binge eating, even when more nutritious food was available all day long. Other groups of rats that had access to the sweets and fatty foods for 18 to 23 hours per day became obese, Paul Kenny, the Scripps scientist heading the study, wrote in the journal Nature Neuroscience. The results produced the same brain pattern that occurs with escalating intake of cocaine, he wrote.
Damage to the brain’s reward centers may occur when people eat excessive quantities of food. In one 2010 study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas in Austin and the Oregon Research Institute, 26 overweight women were given magnetic resonance imaging scans as they got sips of a milkshake made with ice cream and chocolate syrup. The women got repeat MRI scans six months later. Those who had gained weight showed reduced activity in the striatum, a region of the brain that registers reward, when they sipped milkshakes, according to the study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
metalpeter - 12/12/11 19:54
In Terms of Health It isn't a big deal to me right now.... I don't do the fried foods anymore but I didn't do them much in the past any ways.... I think food should be enjoyed but that doesn't mean you eat at burger king every day....
Before this I have heard the fact that McDonald's is addicting and that it has something to do with the fats and Sugars that I don't really remember so this isn't the first of heard of food being addicting.... There was some kind of brain is craving that went on but no idea where to find it in print....
I think though really taste has a lot to do with things... Now I won't say Fatty stuff tastes better to everyone but to some people it does and the same is true with other foods... Some people like sweet and some prefer sour... Sure some of that is just how one is made and some of that is how one is brought up... But there is also a Social Aspect.... And People's taste buds do change Hence why I know like Green Peepers? In terms of social aspect wish I had a good example but lets say Ramien Noodles not bad if one knows how they can make them great (just not me)... Well if one see's that as what poor people eat and you aren't them you might not ever like them because you have put this stigma on them... Like some people don't like frozen Pasta dinners but you nuke it and put it on a plate they would eat that up.....
In Terms of Health It isn't a big deal to me right now.... I don't do the fried foods anymore but I didn't do them much in the past any ways.... I think food should be enjoyed but that doesn't mean you eat at burger king every day....
Before this I have heard the fact that McDonald's is addicting and that it has something to do with the fats and Sugars that I don't really remember so this isn't the first of heard of food being addicting.... There was some kind of brain is craving that went on but no idea where to find it in print....
I think though really taste has a lot to do with things... Now I won't say Fatty stuff tastes better to everyone but to some people it does and the same is true with other foods... Some people like sweet and some prefer sour... Sure some of that is just how one is made and some of that is how one is brought up... But there is also a Social Aspect.... And People's taste buds do change Hence why I know like Green Peepers? In terms of social aspect wish I had a good example but lets say Ramien Noodles not bad if one knows how they can make them great (just not me)... Well if one see's that as what poor people eat and you aren't them you might not ever like them because you have put this stigma on them... Like some people don't like frozen Pasta dinners but you nuke it and put it on a plate they would eat that up.....
tinypliny - 12/12/11 19:35
This is a complicated issue. A lot depends on what you grew up eating, what health scares you have had in the past, how palatable the alternatives are (or rather how palatable you can make them) and how adventurous one is to venture beyond the comfort level of comfort foods.
I was recently counseling someone about the wisdom of avoiding dairy with saturated fats altogether, stopping intake of processed food of any sort, reducing staple cereals and switching to plant based protein instead of meat. Agreed. it is a massive change, but it is more likely that people will follow through if the first 5 conditions I listed are favourable.
Change and "de-addiction" of any sort takes a lot of personal effort. There is very little margin for throwing up your hands and saying that you cannot do it because it is tough. Nothing really is easy when it comes to building health. Damaging one's health takes a number of years. How can one expect to get back to normal in a jiffy? If not anything rebuilding health takes even longer and requires 100x patience and will-power.
This takes me back to the alcohol discussion in my blog. You could argue that moderation is fine here (like pepsi is doing). But what is moderation anyway? If you drink a bottle of soda everyday, over a span of a year, you would have drunk 365 cans of soda. Do you think 365 cans of soda will go without an impact on the human body?
So it all comes back to what everyone's personal outlook of risk really is. Worded another way, how far are you worried about your health? Are you worried enough to do something about it? If the answer to either of these questions is kind of lukewarm or indifferent, then statements about the wisdom of moderation, the helplessness of individuals in decision-making, the assertion of free-will against governmental bans all will eventually come up in discussion. If you have had a scary brush with ill-health, even then, perceptions of risk (or consequences of continuing poor habits) might not necessarily change.
Humans are complex. Many make peace with disappointment. Some make peace with helplessness. Pursuing health is a question of how far beyond your comfort level you are willing to take things so that your body could function on a higher level.
This is a complicated issue. A lot depends on what you grew up eating, what health scares you have had in the past, how palatable the alternatives are (or rather how palatable you can make them) and how adventurous one is to venture beyond the comfort level of comfort foods.
I was recently counseling someone about the wisdom of avoiding dairy with saturated fats altogether, stopping intake of processed food of any sort, reducing staple cereals and switching to plant based protein instead of meat. Agreed. it is a massive change, but it is more likely that people will follow through if the first 5 conditions I listed are favourable.
Change and "de-addiction" of any sort takes a lot of personal effort. There is very little margin for throwing up your hands and saying that you cannot do it because it is tough. Nothing really is easy when it comes to building health. Damaging one's health takes a number of years. How can one expect to get back to normal in a jiffy? If not anything rebuilding health takes even longer and requires 100x patience and will-power.
This takes me back to the alcohol discussion in my blog. You could argue that moderation is fine here (like pepsi is doing). But what is moderation anyway? If you drink a bottle of soda everyday, over a span of a year, you would have drunk 365 cans of soda. Do you think 365 cans of soda will go without an impact on the human body?
So it all comes back to what everyone's personal outlook of risk really is. Worded another way, how far are you worried about your health? Are you worried enough to do something about it? If the answer to either of these questions is kind of lukewarm or indifferent, then statements about the wisdom of moderation, the helplessness of individuals in decision-making, the assertion of free-will against governmental bans all will eventually come up in discussion. If you have had a scary brush with ill-health, even then, perceptions of risk (or consequences of continuing poor habits) might not necessarily change.
Humans are complex. Many make peace with disappointment. Some make peace with helplessness. Pursuing health is a question of how far beyond your comfort level you are willing to take things so that your body could function on a higher level.
12/10/2011 18:08 #55691
The Adam's FamilyCategory: entertainment
So I admit lately I haven't been having much to say really at least not in post form.... That being said though There are some pictures that I would have loved to take last night at a couple events one I didn't know about till like it was late and the other was a fact of not feeling like at the end of the night walking a long as way home down the strip plus I had the 2pm show of the Adam's Family Today... So.... didn't want to like wake up at noon and have to supper rush or not feel good or what ever....
I thought it was great.... Now to be honest I thought it was a bit of a chance since the NY crowd didn't like it so much but from what I read it had been changed up.... There was for sure a lot of adult comedy in it and it was great... Yes there where a couple parts that where just silly... But come on it is a musical based on the Adam's Family gotta expect that I guess..... Now of course everyone has a different sense of funny... I think Allen Gregory is awful and The Cleveland Show is funny and I'm sure there are people who find it the other way around... My point is just cause I find something funny others who where there might not have.... They might not have liked that their kid heard certain jokes.... I can't say I just thought it was very good...
I was off to the left side In either the 4th row or the first not in the Lodge depending on how you count and all the effects where great from my seat... But also they did something in the end where (can't speak for those down up close) a Standing Ovation didn't really work... They kinda did like a dance it was pretty cool... Then they talked to the viewers.... Hope that isn't giving to much away.... Just my opinion was that Yes everyone was great but that Wens-day was the best singer.... But maybe that was just really who's voice I liked best (example of why I don't watch American Idol).... Or it could just be that her songs fit the kinda over the top hold things and big voice of musicals the most?
I would tell people to go.... You know what go and skip the bills game you will have a much better time....
I thought it was great.... Now to be honest I thought it was a bit of a chance since the NY crowd didn't like it so much but from what I read it had been changed up.... There was for sure a lot of adult comedy in it and it was great... Yes there where a couple parts that where just silly... But come on it is a musical based on the Adam's Family gotta expect that I guess..... Now of course everyone has a different sense of funny... I think Allen Gregory is awful and The Cleveland Show is funny and I'm sure there are people who find it the other way around... My point is just cause I find something funny others who where there might not have.... They might not have liked that their kid heard certain jokes.... I can't say I just thought it was very good...
I was off to the left side In either the 4th row or the first not in the Lodge depending on how you count and all the effects where great from my seat... But also they did something in the end where (can't speak for those down up close) a Standing Ovation didn't really work... They kinda did like a dance it was pretty cool... Then they talked to the viewers.... Hope that isn't giving to much away.... Just my opinion was that Yes everyone was great but that Wens-day was the best singer.... But maybe that was just really who's voice I liked best (example of why I don't watch American Idol).... Or it could just be that her songs fit the kinda over the top hold things and big voice of musicals the most?
I would tell people to go.... You know what go and skip the bills game you will have a much better time....
12/04/2011 10:42 #55649
skiffle Dec. 2 2011Category: photos
So I took the Big Camera to see Skiffles on Friday.... Wanted to see the view from above it was a good time but there are a few draw backs... No bar yet up stairs.... You kinda have to guess when the kitchen opens... Something different about the Burger but it is really good.... Also not sure how well one can really see the band if not in one of the first seats... Also the lighting isn't set up for people to take pictures so with a band of this size you can't get the entire band with out getting the lights.... Now that being said it was a great time..... Enjoy a slew of Photos......

I didn't know Miller and Coors where the same company..... I read the thing about the union Busting wonder how they are now.....
In Terms of Trix I'm not saying that they hate blacks or anything like that just saying that it is the same type of mind set....... I was heard the same thing about coors something about them being Anti Union ..... Once I read the link I may comment more...
Well the thing is comedy is tricky.... Maybe they are making fun of the fact of people thinking this is a manly thing or that is a Manly thing... I think the ads are pretty good myself.... I mean it is just an ad.... But see the thing is that where does having good fun on a friend end and Bulling start..... I think the person being a friend is the key....
Surprisingly, MillerCoors got a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign's Workplace Equality ranking. :::link:::
I was taught that Coors were fascists. :::link:::
I wouldn't necessarily say these commercials are homophobic but at the same time they seem to promote bullying. I think if they haven't already, they should try a new campaign. I don't see why they find it so important to make their beer seem manly. I did laugh at the last ad with the guys fishing, that was pretty funny.
I do like Miller Lite but only drink it in Florida because that seems to be the most available. I like those vortex bottles.
I never thought of Trix as being racists or homophobic.
I think they are pretty hillarious.