But lately, bye bye, could you transfer a investment hey cooking application you What, what's up. All the maybe we can connect spring way, it's just me. West. You are special expense. Morganson Later. Bye, the If I can drop it off the roof there's like a whole. Maybe the whole flat you can. Bye bye hey okay. Hello, bye Yeah, P to say, you can give me a call. Bye. Hey, evening, yeah dear. You will. Hello. Hey man. Later, just, Subject, I gonna close the alright. I didn't. Hey there the Victor, but no later. It's 4 What, right. Bye. Yeah, Hello Hello Bill, hey. Well, alright, or are available, okay right hello, hey.
And all this took 3 minutes to say.
What I really want to know is who are Morganson and Victor... and Bill??
Sure anything left on the grass that the meat eating tortoise doesn't find will break down and do the yard good... That being said so many juices use either pear/apples as a base... It makes sense since they are a weaker taste and cheaper then say cranberry if not a bottle would be like $12.... So even though I don't like pears and don't get juice like how I should I'm happy that there are pears....
I would let the green ones ripen more, or cook them in a little sugar. The yellow ones should be delicious.
I just kept making pear sauce and canned pears last year. I have so many still in jars. It makes like 500 pears every year. I find the ones the bees like to eat are generally the tastiest ones. The little black worm things are slugs. You can just brush them off, they don't do inside. Unlike the ants and bees. Since the pears fell and my little mini hiroshima, we have had no ants in the house.