each time I decide to post again I'm so surprised by how long its been since my last post.
I think the last time I posted (25Apr2011) I was just moving positions at work. I am so much happier now, running around on my feet all the time, and working with a lot more people.
For four years I was in this control hallway with pretty much the same dozen people with no windows. It was almost like being in jail, July 4th looked the same as December 10th as the same as October 23rd in there: cinder block walls with a million computers and every other fluorescent bulb on [1].
Anyways, I"m pretty bad at saying what I've been doing or catching up or stuff like that.
I have a an offer accepted on a house in a potentially amazing scenario. (scenario is my word of the week. last week it was a phrase of the week. it was "respect the process")
I think you guys would collectively shit/jizz/cream if you could see this place.
I'm crossing my fingers till the inspections on Tuesday. If it inspects out, it will be so amazing.
I took today off, and as I was driving between all the appointments I had for the house stuff, I was at one point really close to crying thinking about how nice it would be to have a house. To be able to give back to my family and friends.
I feel like such a leacher now, what the hell can I do for people living in this tiny ass apartment. Now people can come over for dinner and stay over, etc and I am actually useful to people. Thats so awesome. UTILITY
Picture Corner
Can you recognize what historical event this graffiti is referencing? I got this one right away
[1] I spent my time in jail kind of being a dick: I usually twisted the extra flourescant tubes so it wasn't so dreary where I had to spend 8 hrs a day and I also took kind of a perverse delight in outlining and dating the stains from roof drips. The best part was when co-workers would get nervous "I don't know if you're supposed to do that" or "You're crazy man." I was really fascinated with the concept of getting yelled at for drawing on stained ceiling tiles.
This is it: :::link::: I don't think it was surprising since quite a number of gang-related homicides happen across the Genesee anyway... One of my former neighbours moved mid-semester to my old multi-flat house on Warren & South because someone was shot in gang crossfire right in front of her at her former flat across the Genesee in one of the streets that directly lead to the park.
But it is still a pretty cool eerie walk if you want to creep yourself out. I really the old railway bridge in the GVP. It was a fun place to take people and hang out and not too menacing.
thats still impressive yet. Where was the murder section? I think I was in Buffalo for that.
Much as I would have liked to say yes, the answer is a big no. Spread over the whole summer and fall, I covered quite a distance thanks mainly to my landlady who lived beyond the trail and drove circuitous routes to drop and pick me up at various points. In additiona, the international office had some relationship with the "friends of the greenway" and organized several trips for many of us that semester (so not all of the walking was by myself either. Only some of it was... and unfortunately it was the stretch where the murder happened, or so they told me!)
I had just learned to bike then and couldn't quite work up the effort to take the bike beyond Genesee valley park. hehe
you walked ~90 miles?!
my truth is out?
(e:tinypliny) wasn't concerned cause she knew she was safe as she was the murder.....HA.... Looks a bit sketchy .....
Looks fun. I haven't heard any cicadas here yet. When I was living in south Carolina back in 1995, the cicadas were so plentiful that it was deafening sometimes.
I think there were a few murders there a couple years back... that was one of the reasons people were concerned. I didn't know about them at that time, but it did keep me away from the trail later.
Wow - I walked that complete trail in my 3rd semester by myself and later freaked out many sheltered people in my department who thought it was unthinkable. I especially liked the old railway bridge... Did you go past it? I don't know if you could ride your bike on it though. You had to whack a few bushes away to get to that trail leading to the bridge at that time.