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11/20/2011 15:21 #55561

phase II
phase II: rewire the house.

kookcity2000 - 12/04/11 18:03
So far so good, the whole thing is much less modular than I was thinking. I thought I could spread it out lazy style the whole winter but I'll probably be done with that project and a few other electrical ones by january or so.
tinypliny - 12/01/11 18:36
So how did this come along? Have you blown up your house yet?

kookcity2000 - 11/21/11 22:07
phase I was some other electrical stuff. It all sucks, buts it fun to get better and complete things. Just like schoolwork was. Only fun when its done
tinypliny - 11/20/11 15:29
Was phase I about the carpets?

11/13/2011 14:00 #55498

nice november
November can be so damn nice. Fall can have the niceness of summer but its matured and chilled out.


07/31/2011 23:35 #54839

too late
I drove though Buffalo today on the way home from Erie PA. On the way down I had been planning on stopping into town and at least getting something to eat & drink.
But everything ended up being later that I expected (7PM) and I bailed on that plan.

I miss Summer Buffalo, I haven't been to a Thursday at the Square/Harbor yet this year.
metalpeter - 08/01/11 17:55
Go Thursday I believe the Opener is The Sheila Divine (yeah like many you won't or could be wrong know the new stuff...I'm going for the old) and Tokyo Police or what ever they are called.... Sorry this is Buffalo the opener needs to be the headliner but..... Not sure where you where but ETS has a drive through now.....

07/18/2011 21:24 #54735

got it
Well its done. The closing costs were about a grand less than i thought they would be plus they left a decent washer & dryer.
metalpeter - 07/19/11 16:33
I do like the renting thing my self but one thing that would be great would be to have my own washer and dryer so it is nice to start out with that all ready there.....
heidi - 07/19/11 11:55
Yea!! :-)
tinypliny - 07/19/11 04:34
Haha - so that's what all those crazy characters were! Washer and dryer = best thing ever.
paul - 07/19/11 01:07
tinypliny - 07/18/11 21:28
Congratulations, 

07/11/2011 20:57 #54688

closing date
Monday the 18th

tinypliny - 07/18/11 21:28
Oops wrong post!
tinypliny - 07/18/11 21:28
Congratulations, 
vincent - 07/15/11 18:07
I might be in Rochester this weekend, email me back if you want to meet up for a beverage.
paul - 07/12/11 09:13
tinypliny - 07/11/11 21:15
Good luck!