As a complement to
(e:tinypliny,54608), the method below is probably the easiest (and the healthiest) way to get a smooth roasted/caramelized garlic paste for use in salads, salad-dressings, hummus, or any sort of dish where you need a smooth garlic flavour with a hint of sweetness to it. I used it on a multi-layered multi-texture quinoa salad yesterday.
I recommend that you don't use the multi-pack budget garlic that comes in mesh bags. They are abysmally poor when it comes to taste. To me, they don't taste like garlic at all! Sometimes, using even two whole bulbs doesn't give me sufficient flavour-levels.
So loose garlic it is.
1. Take a whole garlic. Wash it. (Don't dry it. Don't peel it.)
2. Wrap well in aluminium foil with a tablespoon or so of water.
3. Bake at 375 deg F for 40 minutes (just toss it in the corner while the onions are caramelizing...)
4. After 40 minutes, the garlic is caramelized and softened so well that you could simply take the peels off and smash the cloves to a wonderfully smooth paste with your fingers if you wanted. I used a spoon. It has this absolutely awesome silky consistency to it. Best of all, it doesn't make anything greasy or oily but instead gives dishes an earthy, well-proportioned and exquisite garlic taste.
I am getting the wok. Hope it's not an accumulation mistake.... Is it? Do I really need it?!
Ah! the ring. No this is a flat-bottomed wok especially designed to fit wimpy non-gas-run ceramic-top pathetic stoves like mine. The ring stabilizes a round-bottomed traditional wok which is used over the open flame (which embraces all its sides as things are cooked).
The more modern woks used at home don't have the luxury (or rather the fire hazard scenario) of an open flame so they are used with a ring. I think ring or no ring, non-flat bottomed vessels on a flat heating surface are quite inefficient. Always better to go with flatter bottoms when it comes to cookware.
question on the wok do you use the metal piece that sits on top of the stove that it sits in (not sure what that does really heat wise)?