...and thus, effectively, stall future innovations in technology by Google, JUST BECAUSE their crappy outdated non-forward thinking technologies face the likelihood of making god forbid, less money than Google. While Google gives away and shares its technological innovations free with the people and helps make the internet a better and sounder place for the future, all Microsoft ever thinks of is making money and all Apple thinks of is how to keep extracting money in spite of their ridiculously high-failure-rate hardware and limited-software from snobby sheep.
And their combined evil solution? Well, just sue Google and its partner companies for every technological process ever patented by
- a) buying the companies that originally created these patents (who needs the brains to develop and innovate and actually apply for patents when you can conveniently buy the company that created and innovated, in the first place..) and
- b) by pouring money into nitpicky and downright grubby-paw litigation and
- c) using cunning backdoor strategies to win these ligitations.
In the end, these strategies make Microsoft's technologically PALEOLITHIC and appallingly poorly made software make money out of what Google slaved over creating.
I read the OS News website after a conversation with
(e:Paul) yesterday and was completely blown away by the ever-expanding EVIL Apple and Microsoft are perpetrating against progress in technology, in general and more specifically, how they have both invested substantial amounts of influence and money to keep open source technologies like Linux stunted and shunned by a large proportion of the population. Worse, when one branch of linux, the Android OS, is honed into a commercial success for mobile platforms by the brains at Google, Microsoft and Apple make sure that they STILL fleece the unsuspecting population and make money out of Android by using underhand and totally loathesome unethical legal strategies.
All of this makes me loathe Microsoft and Apple even more. It cements my view that any self-respecting consumer who lives with technology and thus, has even remote interests in innovation in technology, should seriously think about means and ways to move away from the stifling monopoly that microshit and crapple have on the market. More importantly, it is time to take assertive steps to implement this move away from the technological cesspool that microsoft and apple have managed to create.
(e:Matthew) was telling me how he has walked and continues to walk with kids and a pram down Linwood and it remains one of the most positive things one can do for a neighbourhood. I couldn't have agreed more. In a weirdly analogous way, small individual actions to dispel general misconceptions about linux and opensource technologies (that are not bound down by the venal giants, Microsoft and Apple) make a world of difference to the neighbourhood of future technological innovation that are not geared to fleece people but empower them to be more productive and encourage independent thought.
I am glad that I have taken the first daunting step by embracing linux and at the very least, trying to learn to think for myself. If I can do it, anyone can. It's not that hard. It just requires the willingness to fight the cancer that hamper progress and thought.
Do it today, try out a linux OS, try out R for analysis, ditch SAS, move your office applications to a browser-based cloud, weed out microshit and crapple from your lives, try out some Google products. See how they change and rock your world. You would have done that small invisible favour to help take web technology and innovation a little bit further and away from the artificial and downright, atrocious restraints that it doesn't deserve.
Well then that would be better then plastic unless you recycled but about the same as paper.... Some dishes though are made to eat the one example I can think is taco salad where the bowl is the taco or what ever but not sure why a good bowl that can be eaten if they went in this route couldn't be used?
that is a crazy story about the noise making bag... quite unbelievable.
(e:metalpeter), you don't eat the cup made of leaves ever. You just throw them away. They degrade naturally. Also, if they are dried tough leaves, they are a lot more durable than you'd think. Take a look: :::link::: :::link::: :::link::: :::link::: :::link::: :::link::: :::link:::
I think all they could really do is have a 3 bin system
1. Food
2. Paper
3. Plastic
But don't know how practical that would be with it being a festival and having to haul the stuff out and people throwing stuff out and wanting more food.........
Sorry Tiny but I don't think that cup idea would go over to well...That would be one more thing every place would have to make they would have to make it in each size and then you would have to make enough but not to many so that they don't go to waste or you don't run out during the event..... Also If say like I did you just ate boneless wings would you really feel like eating the cup?
But see this reminds me of something I learned that we can all learn from on an episode of Bill Maher...... Sun Chips came out with a bag that was made of stuff that would break down after you ate the chips... Now this story made the news as being a great thing and it was... Not sure if the bag was eatable or not... But you know why they stopped making them.... The Bag was to loud! Yes the bag that crumpled made to much noise.... Well that is Americans for ya!