So Just to warn People a Bit yes I will be talking about sex and porno in this post, there won't be any pictures that is to bad oh well or maybe that is a good thing. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't read it..... Does anyone really read it and I do kinda wonder do people who aren't part of the site read it? In any event here goes I wish I could out line might make this better we shall see if this goes where I think it will go.... Yes down the alley with 2 Thai Lady boys now if that was only really the case HA!
Oh yeah also if I offend anyone I'm sorry I don't mean to.. There is nothing wrong with being gay or bi. Yes there are some sterotypes and hopefully I don't use any of them. Again I'm not bashing or attacking anyone here at all... So again if anyone does read this just finish and see if what I wrote makes any sense it may not....
The Place to start is with the Movie 300... I know I few people when it came out (sorry don't have the links to it) wrote reviews of it. Visually it was amazing. That aspect and not the story is what I want to point out. Yes wearing little trunks and having everyone be all cut and looking like body builders with killer abs is pretty macho and pretty bad ass.... But Come on isn't also a bit gay... If you can have a metal shield and sword why not armor why are you showing off the build and the wang when fighting men? But maybe all Gladiator are a bit gay. It would kinda make sense since I have heard some place gay sex as being "Greek Style".. But it also kinda fits with some of those famous lines from the Airplane movies "Ever been to a Turkish Prison" "Ever seen a grown man naked" and "Do you like Gladiator movies"... Or maybe they where pedophile jokes or both not sure...
Starz had this series Called Spartacus blood and sand. This season they are having a 6 episode season of stuff that happened before hand. So far the violence is great. The Sex and nudity is great.. Lucy Lawless doesn't look like Zena but wow she is hot and even better nude along with her friend (if anyone is a true friend on that show with all the betrayers is hard to know)... There is a story line that is good as well.. But back to the sex for a minute. That being said though this year unless I missed it there hasn't been any cock shown. For some that is a good thing. Last season it seemed like they showed a lot. There was this one scene where (I want to say lucreaia not sure if that is right) picks out a guy and she says the one with the horse cock and they show him... Not that I'm on the set measuring guys but It sure looked to me like flaccid he had around 8-9 inches .... I'm impressed wish I was hung like that a guy who could blow him self..... [There once was a man from Nantucket Whose cock was so long he could suck it, as he wiped off his chin he said with a grin "If my ear was a cunt I would Fuck it"]. Now I'm not giving away to much... There are a few (not sure whom) who know what I don't have... There are a few who know or have seen some of what I have.. There might even be a few
(e:peeps) that know exactly what I have not really sure on that last one ... For anyone of you in any sense of the word that know what you know that is fine and for people who don't I'm not posting any pictures or getting into it more then I have here.... I also won't be doing any charts or studies or anything else along those lines... Now there maybe some pictures out there someplace that have been seen on other sites but I kinda doubt it........
Ok Back to Spartacus... Last season there was war and fighting and the battle to be a Champion Gladiator.. So the violence was pretty good... But part of what made it so good is that it was driven by story and so many people turning on one another... Oh yeah and honor and wanting to not be a slave and wanting money and power and sex... Oh yeah the sex was really good.. Now so far this season is about How we got the fighters we had and how they got to the arena and again the story, sex and gore is great... I like how they make the blood look as opposed to the real look they have way to much to make it look that way. Yes there is two gay Gladiators but it isn't like they are looked down on and in both seasons there have been women with women or women watching men and women get it on... Again as though it is great or at least not negative...
One thing that I was thinking about trying for fun sometime just to see if it would work is (might not for me but sure it would for many ha, Well unless you are that persons lover then fail! HA) assuming I could find the time and the gallons of fluid to drink is: Watch the first season on Demand (13 episodes) that is a feat in its own.... But then to try and get off during the sex scenes... My Theory is that as hot as they are that it wouldn't work. My guess is that they are shot so that they are short so that they can have story and gore be the main thing.... If that is the reason you are watching then maybe you should be watching a porno instead and I think the show is trying to get away from that and show how great (from some perspectives) things where back then.......
Ok hope someone is still reading this not that they will ever talk to me again now Ha! Lets face it Porn is a huge business and there are very different kinds. Everyone who is of a certain age has seen some kind for some it might be walking in on the roommate and watching or animal planet or looking through a bedroom window, or playboy. If you don't believe me there is even an etrade ad where one baby hits the back button and it is wildebeests going at it and he wants the link sent to him .... It is funny if you have never seen it..
My Point that I was trying to get to is you have different levels of porn... Some there isn't any Nudity or not much bondage and Leather stuff (from what I have heard) some times it is just the outfits or those kinky boots... Then you have the porn like playboy and some other sites and things that are just boobs... boobs are great and for some they work. But for some they need to see that nice pussy or at least a hint at it....
Girl on Girl Porn is the best it really is.. I have heard of guys just sitting around and watching it for hours.. Yes Girls gone wild is one form of it.. Chicks (again from what I have heard never seen it myself somehow ) who are all ways hot show their tits and sometimes make out with a chick but that is about as far as it goes.. For some guys (and ladies also) that is perfect they get to see some hot girls who look like that girl they know or that girl they see in class but don't really know and then sometimes they really do know her or see her around town or campus or work or where ever... This level of porn is great cause there are no guys who wants to see a gross guy and that really does make sense....
The next level we shall call skinomax yes the skin movies on cinemax or other cable shows.. I wonder if anyone watches for the story or if these are really aimed at couples.. Se they have story between the scenes and there is making out.. I call this the next level cause yeah sometimes it is girl on girl or boy girl or even some combo of people... This stuff is good cause it shows sex and in some you might see some muff but not a lot. but you won't see any dick (unless this has Changed). At the same time though the sex is pretty hot (this is mostly the level of Spartacus I think)...
Now I can admit I have no idea what makes something X or XXX. But the next level is my Favorite and that is Hardcore porn. Now if you enjoy hardcore porn sorry but You (me included ) are a little bit gay. That is unless of course you just watch girl on girl with toys. In hardcore you see penetration and flaccid and hard cocks. There are all sorts of other things as well. Granted just cause you like to see a girl suck the dick and see the dick or see the balls on her ass or watch the jizz hit her face Doesn't make you gay.. But to be honest you are enjoying see both people naked so you are at least a little bit bi... Now I'm not saying that being a little bit bi in watching a porno makes you like guys or makes you gay or makes you want to look for cock on the internet... But it is a bit gay to watch a guy jerk himself off (why don't the girls do this more often) onto a women. I myself like to watch all kinds of things but nothing to far out there... As gross as cum is they sure make it look cool in these movies girls kissing and exchanging fluids sure looks hot.... I have heard some of this is faked not sure I know it looks hot though... I won't even touch on the cum shots videos or the ones where like a bunch of guys line up a spill their seed on one girl.... That is very gay but there is nothing wrong with that.... I include my self in this if you are a boy and enjoy Hardcore Porn you are a little tiny bit gay... Again you are enjoying looking at dick the hot chick is the reason but you are still enjoying it so.........
Well that is about all I've got hope it kinda makes sense didn't prof read it or anything........
It is almost St Patrick's day!
What is really odd is a couple days ago I went to walgreens and walking down Delaware it felt like St. Patrick's day....
The Funny Thing is The Parade I all ways went to.... But It has never been as fun even if the pictures aren't as good as going with a huge group or maybe it is the drinking.... I have never gone as far down as like where the bars are but one year it was warm and girls had Bikini tops on it was great.......
(e:libertad) I agree with the dog poop it is like since it is snowy people think they don't have to pick it up or maybe they just don't think about what happens when the snow goes away......
I had to dodge so many piles of dog shit today, it was crazy. It was also interesting to see how the road salt burned the edges of the grass. Also noticed how lawns with trees had melted lawns and those that didn't were mostly covered in snow.
I really enjoyed seeing the grass again, the sun was nice too. I hope that St. Patricks day is like that one year that the weather was so perfect. That was so much fun. That groundhog didn't see his shadow this year. Or didn't I hear that people predetermine the outcome of the groundhogs shadow? Either way, I doubt that it really does predict if Spring is going to be early or if we will have six more weeks of winter.
I stepped into a BIG mud sloshy puddle today. Ickety ick. My boots and jeans are so muddy.
I can't wait!