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12/12/2010 11:18 #53244

Bandits Open Practice last sunday
Category: photos
So I have to admit that being the Peterazzi has been taking its toll a bit I'm mega behind. Music is art I have so many photos not even really sure how to post them and that was in Sept.

I also feel as if I don't have much to say lately.... I think part of that is the holiday season thing. Some of it is facebook though. Like for example I went to see Narnia 3D on Saturday and yes it was fun but it isn't like something I can write an entire blog about with out giving away the entire movie. The Other thing is pictures....

I admit Windows 7 is annoying. When Selecting pictures to upload if you just slide that mouse a little bit they all get copied argh...... Not only that but no mater what I do (this might be different for when the website scans your computer (JAVA) and you can upload them that, but normally only 139 pictures at a time so that is argh!!!!

So Last Sunday I went to the Bandits Open Practice it was fun...

I'm going to see what happens if I drag the picture from what happened last to first kinda.

The Last thing they did was reveal the 20th year jerseys to me they look like an old one they wore......


Ok maybe part of the problem is how sensitive the optical mouse is I just lost the post because I mis slid the picture and got it on one big page so I'll cut it here for now...........

I admit that the pictures I took where on the screen aka jubotron or what ever you want to call it. Some times you see things better from higher up. This was really cool. the didn't throw fists put they practiced fighting or wrestling it was pretty cool........


So To be on the safe side I publish again

Well Now to add some Pictures of the Bandettes these are from before the Practice started their practice or what ever.......



Well Time for Football pregame but I think the point is gotten maybe more pictures soon?
tinypliny - 12/13/10 19:18
Windows 7 is a loser OS that gobbles too much memory.
metalpeter - 12/13/10 18:09
On Here Chrome and If I remember correctly chrome over there as well........
I think I manly need to find more time.... Or maybe it is Just some thing wacky with widows 7 ?
paul - 12/12/10 14:06
Not that chrome would save time though, it just might nor be so flaky.
paul - 12/12/10 14:04
What browser are you using. I would suggest chrome if you are using IE.
metalpeter - 12/12/10 12:13
Well what I think I wish is that there was say some program (not asking anyone to make one or anything) that if you uploaded the photos to there it would post them to any site. What I need to find out how to do is how to make slide show or video from pictures for Youtube and then I could post the video on like every site. I have a feeling that is beyound my level though.....

I think one of the things is Time. I just don't have enough time online between here and facebook and Webshots..... Also with this goofy windows 7, I can't just like upload all the pictures from an event to webshots, I used to be able before this new computer. I may look into a computer that is more made for uploading pictures but not sure as I'll have much luck with that.................
tinypliny - 12/12/10 11:59
Cool photos! :-) Just curious... do you feel pressurized to post photographs? Let go if it strains you.

I think you like taking photographs - but if sharing seems like a lot of work, you might be much more happier just uploading maybe 1 or 2 once in a while. There was a time, when I decided to post just about every grocery trip I made. It then got to a point where I was grocery shopping too much and the lists got bigger and more unmanageable, till I just decided to ditch it and enjoy the groceries without documenting them. :-)

11/30/2010 17:51 #53179

CFLs? Um No Backward thinking
Category: issues
I know I have talked about this some where else and about being green but.... I often find one of the problems in this country is we fight things backwards....

There is a war on drugs! why? Well a lot of people make money on it... We lock up drug addicts and cause gangs to have a product to fight over instead of trying to make it so people who want to escape or feel life more enhanced don't turn to drugs....

But what I want to talk about is CFLs. The Idea shown in ads for them is that they last for years. They are environmental... Well but see that isn't true at all.... First of all I have heard they have Mercury in them, yes that thing that causes cancer and so what do you with those lights when they burn out...

What the ads and packaging tells is. These lights can last up to 5 years. They are these great lights that last a long time and never run out. Well what that does is make you think oh then I can leave them on. That is right they encourage you to keep lights on. Here is an idea to save on energy and not burn your lights out. You leave a room and turn them off. Oh but we can't tell people to do that, cause then the power company loses money. So just leave the lights on all over the house....

But there is another part that those lights that kinda look like curly fries don't tell you.... If you have an old house and you use CFL's they stick out past the light shades or what ever you call those glass things. Also if you have other types of fixtures they may not work with those. So then what are you supposed to do go out and buy new light covers for everything??????

Not to mention there is this thing that many people think that electricity likes comes out of the air... It doesn't some is from hydro power like Niagara Falls. Some is from coal. Yes there are still coal mines and some from wind farms... We all use it with out thinking about where we come from. In stead of having some kind of light that is supposed to last a long time, why don't we just think about when and where we really need light. For example I'm typing now do I really need the lights on.... No I don't so I should turn them off in this room and I will once I hit publish.........
metalpeter - 11/30/10 19:51
I didn't know about that, I had no idea they cost that much but I knew they where costly...... I think one factor with "Being Green" is things are more complex then people make them out to be. People want a simple answer. I know (e:tinypliny) will like this one. You want to make the world greener here is one way. Turn off the TV and and computer and Read Books only. Well ok maybe recycle them by smashing them with a baseball bat. But then how would you find out what books are good? I heard that those florescent lights where good because they where gas and you just lite the gas but I only really see those in offices, wonder what the down side was to them?
paul - 11/30/10 19:22
The thing I hate about them is that they sometimes burn out if the power ever fluctuates. Its way expensive when a $15 light burns out.

11/26/2010 18:40 #53169

2010 4 course Thanksgiving
Category: holiday
Well Thanksgiving this year was a little different. But that is ok. I like to watch football and I watched the Patriots beat up on the lions it started out as a great game. Then it was off to Old Country Buffet with my mother......


That Taco Salad thing I made was a lot of food and fun but messy to eat I ate like a burrito meaning a I ate the shell and stuff in side at the same time kinda.

Then after that I got home and watched the Half time show... Is it me or does Keith Urban Look like Johny Reznik (lead singer of the goo goo dolls) or maybe he stole his look. So I watched the end of the cowboys game and it was a pretty good game. Then TNA wrestling was pretty good to, yeah they did have it thanksgiving themed some so that was cool.

I did try to buy one thing on black Friday it was a $200 Kodak camera that was 10X Optical zoom and only $99 on sale but online they ran out....

Went to see Faster and then Burlesque. Faster was a pretty good action movie that had a story and muscle cars and that kind of cop thing it was pretty good. I have to admit in terms of Burlesque I'm not really a Cher fan but she was pretty good and looked pretty hot, kinda looked like Vat Von D. Now in Terms of Christina she is amazing all movie long.... I guess if you don't like her singing style you might not like the movie. That is in fact the reason I don't watch American Idol. To Me that show isn't about who can sing. It is about We Like this voice over that voice and it has nothing to do with if someone can sing and play a master riff it is all about this voice and that voice. In any event I really Enjoyed it.

When I left the movies I saw it had snowed for the 1st time this year. The pictures look dark on facebook but decent on the camera not sure how well you can see the snow but here goes....


Right now 464 Gallery is doing something, and I think there is a Tree lighting on Elmwood and carriage rides, and Club Diablo is having a fetish show but I don't feel like treking home in the cold so, I'll go have chunky soup and go watch wrestling plus I'm working on Sat so....

11/24/2010 17:43 #53159

Acceptance isn't Glee Approval
Category: issues
So Last night I really enjoyed Glee. But the odd thing is that I didn't know any of the songs they did. Maybe that was why I liked it since I didn't have the original song in my mind to compare it to that being said there is something wrong with me. The Episode had me laughing and crying I think with the wedding argh....

In Any Event the main part of the story was about the Bullying thing. I kinda wonder if it is more about the bullying then the gay thing. Cause when he transfers schools it isn't just that he is being picked on and is scared it is that there is no Bullying about any thing Zero tolerance...

Last week what got me thinking was that part of the issue with the football player is that he can't come out. Not that he wants to. But as a football player you can't be gay. Now the show didn't really touch on this like I thought they wouldn't, but hey it is just a TV show. But to me they kinda hinted at it. When Kurt didn't mention the kiss and instead said picking on him....

But What I was thinking about some place in the show was that often in life acceptance and approval get kinda mixed up in our minds. I think this is so true with Homosexuality and really any kind of sex that isn't what you are into. I think often times someone thinks that what someone does or is is wrong so they don't approve of who or what they are. But just because you approve of someone doesn't mean you can't still accept who they are and let them be them selves and just not like what they are....

Again this isn't just about homosexuality it is about anything. It could be that you think that pan handler shouldn't bother you and should go get a job (you don't approve of them). But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't accept them as a person or that you are mean to them. I don't think I really have the words to explain what I really mean.

That being said hope everyone enjoys their Holiday weekend!!!

11/21/2010 11:27 #53147

Time Warner and Fox
Category: tv
So I like Time Warner I really do. They have some great things that from what I hear the dishes don't have. But that being said they need to get there stuff together and stop lying on their ads.... Or maybe that is to harsh and they need to get all the channels on board and improve things....

If you have seen there ads the newest one shows some lady buying shoes coming in and using start over to watch her favorite show.... Well hold on that doesn't really work like that... Not all he stations (fox comes to mind here) have start over... Also it doesn't allways work right on shows that don't start right when they say they do... This Happened to me when I came home and tried to watch Bill Maher the show ended in the middle of new rules... Also what about live things like football that go over the time. Oh bye the way this is a problem with DVRs to from what I hear. So don't believe that kid playing baseball with his dad ad either......

Last night I really wanted to watch The Hurt Locker , Like a fool I trusted the ad. But not so much that I checked the channel it was on (The Movie Channel I think) and start over came up so I thought it would work. Go get food for the movie and football today and go in and no start over as an option on enhanced TV, FUCK! So one of the options is on Demand and of course that isn't one of the movies that the ondemand channel has either argh..... So I went to find some on demand stuff and found "Fan Boys" it was wild and was great to see Seth Rogan play two parts but what made the movie good really was the hot chick in it but was all the cameos those where the best parts. The next Movie was "Zombie Strippers". Ok Zombies and a strip bar it was awesome. Yes it was very funny and there where lots of tits. Did I mention it was funny. Oh yeah and they took zombies in a new direction (the effects are different on men and women and women have control, yes two strippers fighting on stage and the golf balls where funny)........

Now in Time Warner's defense they don't control what each channel puts on their demand station and when they are on. For example Starz has this thing they call early premieres where movies come on before they air normally. That being said (yes the on demand stuff is free but still) it would ve nice if they had more movies and specials on the ondemand channels....

There is the new service I have seen advertised where say you miss a program you can go back into the past to view it. You can go back I think 3 days. Again this isn't on all the channels...

My point here isn't that I'm bashing Time warner it is that these services that when they work right are pretty cool you can't depend on them, like the ads make you think...

Next things next the fox and time warner thing. It is time for those two to make a deal. I think they will reach a deal because it is suicide not to, both companies would lose way to much money...
1. Glee, House, NFL Football, Simpsons sunday night line up and Yes American Idol are the huge fox draws. If Time warner was to lose these here is what would happen.
A. Some people would just give up and not watch Fox anymore. Less people watching fox means lower rating and less people watch the comericals drop way off in value..
B. Keep Time Warner but watch Fox over the air. Well ad money wise again you had people watching time Warner who know watch Fox over the air so they lose money.
c. I need fox so drop my price on cable, oh you are charging me the same for less ok bye. Yeah a lot of viewers would drop Time Warner and that is where they lose the big money. Most of those people would go get another provider or maybe just go the HD route through the air....

I can admit that I don't work for a station or in braodcasting so not sure how the money stuff works other then that when everyone on friends wanted that huge increase in pay they all got it because they ratings where so good that advertisers paid so much money during those time slots that it was a drop in the bucket to NBC. So time warner losing fox and fox losing time warner would be a huge blow to both companies that they can't afforid. But there is another factor that I don't know how it works every net work has a local affilate and yeah Fox 29 would no longer be on cable and that has to effect how much local ad money they get. Well that would happen in every city with time warner. I think that might be why you see the scrols during shows cause they don't want to lose the money.

D. There is this X factor that no one can really count or quintify. What effect does this bickering between cable and stations do to the viewer. I as viewer like the shows I like and they should be there when they are there. It is bad enough when nights change and now one program I liked is on at the same time as another. This bickering could turn people away from both companies. Maybe they will decide to just watch shows on the internet with one of those huge sony internet TVs. Or maybe give up on TV and just wait for the good shows to come out on DVD and Spend a weekend watching the entire series. Who knows what it will bring. Maybe Viewers will find a way to watch the NFL on line...

The Bottom line is that making fair deals behind closed doors before the public hears about it is best for both the cable/Satlite companies and the stations....
metalpeter - 11/24/10 17:59
Not Sure where to start:
1. Never thought this would get so many Comments and there have been a bunch of great ones.
2. Debating the Future and where you think tech will is fun

No Technology is good or bad. It is how it is used. Granted there are a lot of crappy things that are bad. But there are also things that inspire creativity and Imagination. To bad they are mostly kid shows and things on like history channel.....

The Only thing with 3D TV is that you currently need glasses for it still.........

I had few other points that got lost someplace in my mind
tinypliny - 11/24/10 02:28
Oh, and btw, the R. Lauren show was 4D because at 6:03 in the video, they actually sprayed the crowd with a mist of their latest perfume. hahaha
tinypliny - 11/24/10 02:22
Wow. The concept of sleeper-spies. It came up in so many episodes on my former-favourite show (Spooks) that I think I believe it. :-)
tinypliny - 11/24/10 02:19
Oooh (e:metalpeter), did you ever see the launch of that Ralph Lauren 4D show -->

The future is 3D projection! I am telling ya, TV is not where the future is. :-)
tinypliny - 11/24/10 02:14
"The Luddites were a social movement of British textile artisans in the nineteenth century who protested – often by destroying mechanised looms – against the changes produced by the Industrial Revolution, which they felt were leaving them without work and changing their way of life. It took its name from Ned Ludd." *From wikipedia.

I guess that sounds just about right. I am opposed to mechanization of thought and enslavement of spirit by the couch potato revolution sweeping the planet. I feel that it is leaving us without imagination and changing our way of active life for the worst. :-)

But, yes, I would like to have a 60" HDTV mounted on my wall as my computer monitor. Hmmmm... I would love a high resolution projector covering my ENTIRE wall even better, because of a smaller footprint, more mobility and flexibility. In fact, I am waiting for projector prices to come down so that I can get rid of monitor one day and just have a really really high resolution projector that can project my laptop ANYWHERE and would weight around 5kg or less.

heidi - 11/23/10 23:31
(e:uncutsaniflush) - that comment is hot.
uncutsaniflush - 11/23/10 22:50
(e:tinypliny) - You wrote "Meanwhile, just throw your TV out." I think you are starting to sound like a Luddite. Perhaps you dont realize that newish HDTVs are, for all practical purposes, big computer monitors with tv tuners within. If you have a desktop or laptop or nettop or netbook with HDMI and a television set with HDMI, you can access the internet on your television.

I would suggest is that what you meant to say was "Get rid of your cable TV provider and get your network television content from the internet until the networks start charging for that as well."

Unless, of course, you think that computer monitors are morally superior to tv sets.
metalpeter - 11/23/10 19:14
One Thing that got me thinking about this was what happened with the movie I wanted to see , but also my one TV's color is messed up so I have to brighten it up but it makes all the blues and red's really storng and faces are red. So I'm trying to decide how big and want kind of TV. If I could get good over the air reception with an HD TV That might be the way to go, wish I understood how those Sonys work besides I don't have the cash. I also wonder about if a 3D tv is worth it, and do they make 3D porn that would be wild?
metalpeter - 11/23/10 19:11
In Terms of Paying for sports still not sure about the money aspect? But what I do know is that (don't watch college) is you can pay to watch College football somehow. Also NBC has sunday night football (again Haven't tried it) and you can watch it enhanced on the net... You pick the camera angles and view (like a video game)... My Gut is that football will stay on the air, but also you will be able to pay for games so you can watch what ever one you want. That is what the Direct TV thing is kinda. You pay so much and get to (assuming not blacked out in your city) watch every game. But what you are really paying for is two things. If the game is bad you can switch. But really so you can watch the teams you like. There are Steeler fans in Buffalo but good luck trying to follow them here. I do think that will go PPV over the Internet soon. I just think that Football is such a big screen event there will need to be more of those Sony Internet TVs for sale. I say about 5-10 years as the HD TVs start to lose quality over time of a normal set.....
metalpeter - 11/23/10 19:03
1st of all I will admit some of this is new to me, I have never heard of the white panther party.... But that way of thinking that you explain does seem to make sense. If we believe what our parents tell us as do people here it would make sense that we could be used for their agenda. I have seen kids pre teen with signs that say I have two Birthdays (well my understanding is you can't be a kid and be born again but I could be wrong, that you have to lose faith or get into trouble and then find gods ways again, or something like that). The Point is if kids can be used at rally's why not spies it is a great idea (doubt it would really work)

Google has the Tech and has used it in China why not here. Now some might say that sounds crazy. Well aren't the two Koreas still at war. Don't have the news on the recent conflict of today or yesterday. But couldn't the US monitor all chat of all Koreans to make sure that koreans in the US aren't going to side with the communists and blow stuff up here so we don't back our allies... It isn't crazy we locked up Japanese people in camps....

My Political side could see Bush doing something like this when he was in office so that the people using the net could only get pro USA stuff. Oh you think that didn't happen in the past. I wasn't there but I heard that is how the News was in WWII. War Protest never. Now some people think that Obama and his side would like to control information and they have a valid point. What if (not saying he will) he sides with out allies and the Korean War II breaks out. Now lets just say there was no TV (forget the radio for a second) and all News was shows on the internet (just saying) The Government could control what we see and our views on the war.
uncutsaniflush - 11/23/10 09:35
(e:tinypliny) - My father was fairly high up in the Polish Military food chain. His military career was destroyed by my mother emigrating to the U.S. and bringing me. Also, my godmother's husband was some sort important Communist party minister. If you believe contemporary reports, during the Cold War, it was thought that children were groomed to be sleeper spies that would do the biding of their Iron Curtain masters once adult. Rumor had it that all children from behind the Iron Curtain had some sort of FBI file about them.

When I was at the University of Detroit, my circle of acquaintances included anarchists and people associated with John Sinclair's White Panther party. Some of them routinuely checked their files under the Freedom of Information Act and that's how I found out.
tinypliny - 11/22/10 23:54
Oooh, you have an FBI file?! Really? Why?
uncutsaniflush - 11/21/10 23:43
(e:tinypliny) or should I say pliny the younger?? You assume that just because you are doing nothing wrong, the U.S. government won't fuck with you or even be interested in you. That is an erroneous assumption.

Apparently from what I've been told (I never asked for my records under the Freedom of Information Act but people that I know did), I've had an FBI file to the FBI since I was 6 years old primarily because of who my father was.

I assume everything that I do both online and off is of interest to the U.S. government.

When fear is rampant, chasing shadows is a feel good solution to fighting fear and terrorism for the U.S. government. it is important to remember that the U.S. broke every treaty it made with the "Indians". I that Joe McCarty's ghost is active in Washington,DC. And I think the new crop of McCarty zombies have even less shame than the erstwhile senator.
tinypliny - 11/21/10 22:37
Orwellian paranoia is all well and good, but personally I couldn't care less if someone is spying on what I do day-to-day. I pity their life if they feel the need to spy on my super-dull existence!
tinypliny - 11/21/10 22:33
Yeah - I didn't think of all those people. I guess people still listen to the radio and TV is here. I think the time is not far when the net will be a necessity for communication - like phones. Then, media and transmission will really start to change. (e:uncutsaniflush)'s example is a good illustration of such a change.

Meanwhile, just throw your TV out. You will suddenly find a lot of quality time and discover things you never thought of before. Better yet, come to salsa class with me during you regular TV time! :-)
uncutsaniflush - 11/21/10 19:59
(e:metalpeter) - I think your analysis is brilliant. Which is another way to say that I mostly agree with you. I was going to write something along the same lines but you beat me to the punch.

Unlike you, I think that eventually that there will be big NFL type dollars in internet content. I can forsee a day that internet content providers charge for subscriptions to their sites or pay per view for sporting events. I think mobile broadband internet content will hasten this happening. Already you can get NFL games on your smart phone. It's just a matter of time before charging for such stuff comes common place.

Imagine being at a Bills or Sabres game and being able to watch the game on your smartphone with the ability to control your own replays. I bet a lot of people would pay for that. But, as always, I could be wrong.
metalpeter - 11/21/10 18:13
That being said there will all ways be TV and here is why..

1. You have people still that don't have cable they don't have the money for cable those people use normal TVs. As an example of this when singles went digital you had converter boxes so those old tvs would work... There will all ways be this part of society who doesn't have the money to go out and buy some wastefull computer so they can pay for a show it is pretty stupid to pay for a show you can watch for free.

2. The People on the fringe. Yes there are people who believe the internet is monitored like it is in China, and it may not be yet but some of it is watched by the government for sure.....

3. Got some bad news for the techs Analog is better then digital. I watch a bunch of TV. A slight snow to a picture is ok. But you know what isn't pixels and glitchs. Yes with digital there is all ways a glitch and you miss some of it if you watch long enough. Now the crazy people me included think that this is if you record it, it won't be in perfect condition makes you wonder if it is being monitored.

The Networks pay a lot of money for the NFL right and some other sports. Advertisers pay to put content on during those shows. Take all that money and give the teams that money and it used to be $1 over the salery cap. I'm sorry but I don't think there is that kind of money on the internet I really don't. I think the movement should be away from the Cable Companies. I think If you want hbo you can pay them and they send a single to you through the air and it is decoded.

In Terms of Security it is better not to have the internet have all the TV anyways. Say there is a cyber attack or better even the cable lines or phone lines go down. It could turn into mass panic and riots in the street. Now with an over the air signale all you need is enough electricty to recieve it. New Tech isn't all ways the best.

I do think that if the dishes can figure out how to on demand with out downloads and get as good as cable is it could be the end of cable. Again here in terms of National Security I think there could be away to send a signal that the dishes could pick up.....

In any event it will be intersting to see what happens. I say get out those rabit ears and watch all the stuff on HD on a nice tv is the future for some and for some it is Internet TV. Sony changed music for ever with the walkman maybe those new TVs will chang tv the same way?
tinypliny - 11/21/10 13:12
I know you know about Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog. But did you take a closer look at how it was marketed? It was groundbreaking. It went directly from the net to DVD. The strategy was pure genius. It has outsold many other traditional TV shows (backed of course by some beautiful acting, superb music and an ultra-ridiculous storyline!).
tinypliny - 11/21/10 13:07
"The Problem with that is if everyone turned off the TV then there would be no shows and since no shows then they wouldn't be on the net either."

AHA! Nopes, I don't agree with that. TV will evolve. It already has evolved. Look at Google TV: :::link::: Old mediums need to go out and new interactive shows will come in. Ads will still be on all content. For eg. look at youtube videos. There are subtle ads everywhere. Media is a dynamic concept (e:metalpeter). It is inherently determined by the behaviours of its consumers. I think traditional TV is on its way out and the sooner we usher in its demise, the better it will be for the evolution to more intelligent and interactively-engineered content.
metalpeter - 11/21/10 12:57
Oh one other good thing about time warner is they have CBC (great coverage of some things wish we could get the other candian channels like much music and there is some channel that after 11pm has nudity). .....
metalpeter - 11/21/10 12:56
(e:tinypliny) you bring up an interesting point. With out understanding all the money stuff there are some people who will do that, not I, Not Yet. I am kinda wondering if some day soon over the air waves will be better that is harder to control (ok seen way to many movies). The Problem with that is if everyone turned off the TV then there would be no shows and since no shows then they wouldn't be on the net either. That being said though I watch this show called The Walking Dead on AMC. There is no free way (at least legit) to see it online anywhere. Also at Amazon you could preorder the 1st season after like the 2nd episode. I think that for some the wave of the future is that you pay for an episode over the internet and then it has no ads. Ads are what pays for tv show it all ways has been and all ways will be. That is why PBS has donnors.... Ok back to more of this later Football Time.....
tinypliny - 11/21/10 12:04
Just throw your TV out or give it away. Just think - all this agony will go away. Get a high speed net connection and watch whatever you like online.
mrmike - 11/21/10 11:47
The thing with fox happens all the time, the down side is that Fox decided to cry in public about. Cable and dish companies pay what is called a retransmission fee and that is what Time Warner and Fox 29's owners are fighting about. They need each other and will get it settled, but not without Fox 29's owner inspiring a little fear ahead of time to increase a little pressure.