I also feel as if I don't have much to say lately.... I think part of that is the holiday season thing. Some of it is facebook though. Like for example I went to see Narnia 3D on Saturday and yes it was fun but it isn't like something I can write an entire blog about with out giving away the entire movie. The Other thing is pictures....
I admit Windows 7 is annoying. When Selecting pictures to upload if you just slide that mouse a little bit they all get copied argh...... Not only that but no mater what I do (this might be different for when the website scans your computer (JAVA) and you can upload them that, but normally only 139 pictures at a time so that is argh!!!!
So Last Sunday I went to the Bandits Open Practice it was fun...
I'm going to see what happens if I drag the picture from what happened last to first kinda.
The Last thing they did was reveal the 20th year jerseys to me they look like an old one they wore......
Ok maybe part of the problem is how sensitive the optical mouse is I just lost the post because I mis slid the picture and got it on one big page so I'll cut it here for now...........
I admit that the pictures I took where on the screen aka jubotron or what ever you want to call it. Some times you see things better from higher up. This was really cool. the didn't throw fists put they practiced fighting or wrestling it was pretty cool........
So To be on the safe side I publish again
Well Now to add some Pictures of the Bandettes these are from before the Practice started their practice or what ever.......
Well Time for Football pregame but I think the point is gotten maybe more pictures soon?
Windows 7 is a loser OS that gobbles too much memory.
On Here Chrome and If I remember correctly chrome over there as well........
I think I manly need to find more time.... Or maybe it is Just some thing wacky with widows 7 ?
Not that chrome would save time though, it just might nor be so flaky.
What browser are you using. I would suggest chrome if you are using IE.
Well what I think I wish is that there was say some program (not asking anyone to make one or anything) that if you uploaded the photos to there it would post them to any site. What I need to find out how to do is how to make slide show or video from pictures for Youtube and then I could post the video on like every site. I have a feeling that is beyound my level though.....
I think one of the things is Time. I just don't have enough time online between here and facebook and Webshots..... Also with this goofy windows 7, I can't just like upload all the pictures from an event to webshots, I used to be able before this new computer. I may look into a computer that is more made for uploading pictures but not sure as I'll have much luck with that.................
Cool photos! :-) Just curious... do you feel pressurized to post photographs? Let go if it strains you.
I think you like taking photographs - but if sharing seems like a lot of work, you might be much more happier just uploading maybe 1 or 2 once in a while. There was a time, when I decided to post just about every grocery trip I made. It then got to a point where I was grocery shopping too much and the lists got bigger and more unmanageable, till I just decided to ditch it and enjoy the groceries without documenting them. :-)