Krzysztof Komeda is arguably Poland's best jazz pianist of the 1960s. In the Western world, he is perhaps best known as the composer of the lullaby from the film Rosemary's Baby.
This performance is from 1964.
12/04/2010 23:15 #53212
Popcorn Category: music
(e:tinypliny,53211)1 gave us Jean Michael Jarre's Popcorn but alas his is not the original in case anyone cares.
The original Popcorn by Gershon Kingsley in 1969
uncutsaniflush - 12/05/10 21:49 (e:heidi) - the most amazing thing to me about the early synth stuff is that the moog could only play one note a time. So there was a lot of multi-track recording. A single song could take weeks to record.
heidi - 12/05/10 00:00 OMG! I love it!!! 1969 - first electronic pop song. I had no idea.
I think we played neither of these because I remember the cover of the LP saying "Hot Butter". Mum also was a BIG fan of Boney M. My brother and I grew up dancing to beats of Boney M and random electro-folk 60s/70s/80s pop from all across Europe and US. Good times! :-)
12/04/2010 22:16 #53210
Kalifornia ponad wszystko (California Uber Alles) Category: polish songs
As I wrote earlier (e:uncutsaniflush,53202) I am a huge fan of Kazik Staszewski. I mentioned that stylistically he is all over the map.
Today's Polish Song is an example of that. It is a cover of the Dead Kennedys' California Uber Alles by Kazik Na Żywo (Kazik Live). For some reason, Kazik decided to do metal/hardcore covers of his own songs live. He also did some old school covers. This is one of them.
12/04/2010 09:50 #53204
Thanks for all happy birthday wishes. They are much appreciated.
12/03/2010 22:27 #53202
Prohibition Category: polish songs
Kazik Staszewski (the English wikipedia page isn't that good since I stopped maintaining it, sorry) is my favorite Polish musical artist and he may be my favorite musical artist period. Stylistically he is all over the map - everything from Polish folk to metal with stops at rap and hip hop and Kurt Weill and Tom Waits. His music is both political and funny.
He is very prolific so it is very hard for me to decide where to start with Kazik. I reckon that an accessible English language song would be a good place to start.
"El Dupa" is a side project that includes members of Kult and other bands that Kazik has recorded with.
The song "Prohibition" was written as a protest against the banning of liquor sales in the towns that the Pope was visiting in Poland in 1999.
Kazik loves John Bonham and John Bonham samples show up in his songs when you least expect them.
Artists are strangely multifaceted most of the time. I doubt if art can be shoehorned into a single channel. It becomes stressful for the artist if there are no estuaries.
heidi - 12/03/10 23:30 This might be my fav of the Polish tunes so far. I'm still creeped out by the one in the mine.
(e:heidi) - the most amazing thing to me about the early synth stuff is that the moog could only play one note a time. So there was a lot of multi-track recording. A single song could take weeks to record.
OMG! I love it!!! 1969 - first electronic pop song. I had no idea.
I want my MTV!!!! lol
I think we played neither of these because I remember the cover of the LP saying "Hot Butter". Mum also was a BIG fan of Boney M. My brother and I grew up dancing to beats of Boney M and random electro-folk 60s/70s/80s pop from all across Europe and US. Good times! :-)