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09/10/2010 23:44 #52702

Shit like this makes me want to never use Windows again
i feel that Bill Gates would have to much class for something like this. I would not put it past Balmer however.

paul - 09/11/10 11:12
That's so crazy but I guess it gets the publicity. The reason I hate windows is because of things like this: (e:paul,52637)

09/08/2010 19:28 #52683

Despite the mild blight
this is probably the last harvest as the plants are starting to die.

tinypliny - 09/09/10 23:30
So pretty!! They look like they were sweet, were they?
jbeatty - 09/09/10 09:39
Wow, those look great! I really want my own garden.
paul - 09/08/10 20:41
Those purple ones look crazy.

08/24/2010 20:47 #52555

first run published to estrip
should have waiting longer after dinner but not bad

tinypliny - 08/25/10 11:30
I am tempted to get a data plan just for this feature. Has to be interesting since I think my walk tracks would resemble those of a drunken loon on 2" heels soon.
paul - 08/25/10 09:48
If you had it drop more markers on the way you can see the stats at that point. I am not sure why it does show the altitude. I think it is in the KML file and it shows up in the interface on the phone. Must be a bug in the google maps API?
paul - 08/24/10 23:52
Nice. You run looks a lot more orderly looking than mine. I am dashing like a rabbit being chased by a fox.

08/22/2010 19:55 #52528

oh palm pilot
i found this in the basement last week. If it only could update via a network it might be fun. perhaps i can find a project for this.

tinypliny - 08/23/10 20:25
Back in the day, there was this X Files episode where rat boy would control Skinner's circulation with the Palm Pilot of Death. Man, I loved that show! I wish I could go back to the time when I watched those episodes for the first time (on Sunday evenings at 18:30) and didn't know all the plots by heart!

heidi - 08/22/10 22:49
I have a Palm Tungsten C available for projects if you'd like it. And a Palm Centro. I

08/11/2010 20:55 #52416

Is this blight?
these came off two different tomato plants. i thought maybe they just needed more water. what should i do?

janelle - 08/12/10 10:30
Could be a fungus. If you apply a fungicide and it goes away, then you know it was a fungus. Could be overfertilizing. Too much nitrogen turns plants yellow and they die. Have you been fertilizing a lot. If not too many leaves are yellow you can trying pulling off the yellowed leaves to slow it down. But maybe I gave you more information than what you wanted.

God, I hope it's not the end of basil, Paul. You should see the basil plant I have in my backyard. It's up to mid thigh on me. I think I should be able to freeze at least 10-15 cups of pesto!! That will make for a lot of pesto chicken and pasta over the winter.
paul - 08/11/10 22:35
Everyone keeps saying its coming. Someone told me its the end of Basil too.