- sigh*
Heidi's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/07/2010 13:33 #52389
Roommate?I hate my apt management company and want to move out of my cute sunny 1 bdrm apt. when my lease is up at the end of the month. I've already given notice. I found a nice two-bedroom (dog & cat friendly, central air) in my neighborhood. And then my roommate option backed out. So I either need a new roommate RIGHT NOW so we can get the apt Monday or I have to find the elusive 1-bdrm or big studio that I can afford that's still metro walkable. Anyone got ideas? Roommate?
08/05/2010 19:36 #52370
sameer wanted to postright now

samathon86 - 08/06/10 11:25
this is an extreme close-up picture!
this is an extreme close-up picture!
tinypliny - 08/05/10 19:49
The earth says hello.
The earth says hello.
07/31/2010 12:52 #52340
infringingCategory: holiday
(e:Terry) and I saw a couple performances last night.
Ulysses' Crewmen by Insurgent Theater

You Know This Girl by C. Frances Fallon

I'm still not sure how I feel about Ulysses' Crewmen. It was very intense, and brutal, a raging critique of postmodern capitalism and the impossibility/futility of escape. Powerful acting. Causes discomfort. Playing tonight, 6:00 @ Sugar City and tomorrow at Broadway Market.
You Know This Girl: You gotta see it. Seriously excellent & funny one-woman show. Tonight, 7:30 @ Sugar City. You get merch for your $10 voluntary donation. She's goin' places.
Ulysses' Crewmen by Insurgent Theater

You Know This Girl by C. Frances Fallon

I'm still not sure how I feel about Ulysses' Crewmen. It was very intense, and brutal, a raging critique of postmodern capitalism and the impossibility/futility of escape. Powerful acting. Causes discomfort. Playing tonight, 6:00 @ Sugar City and tomorrow at Broadway Market.
You Know This Girl: You gotta see it. Seriously excellent & funny one-woman show. Tonight, 7:30 @ Sugar City. You get merch for your $10 voluntary donation. She's goin' places.
You can contact (e:ladycroft) for the number of her old landlord. She was really happy with him.
Yeah, this sucks. It's the second housing solution to collapse this week, which is very disappointing and discouraging. The timing is so harsh. I've got some stuff lined up to look at and I'm trying to stay positive about it. China Cat is a lot easier to accommodate than Nisha.
(e:libertad) - No way am I moving into your building with the reports you've given of it! :-) But thanks for thinking of me.
(e:tinypliny) - your building is definitely too expensive, but thanks!
Here is the worst journal about my apartment. I hated reading it because that was such a shitty time. I doubt most people have an experience like this one when they move in.
You could also see this journal for more about my building.
Also, I happen to have OK neighbors. You never know what you might get in a place like this though. See this journal if you didn't already...http://estrip.org/articles/read/52218/I_hate_crappy_landlords
You might consider my building but the management sucks really bad. The price is right and they will fix things but only after having someone show up without calling first. They are so unprofessional that I would rather live with the smaller problems then deal with that shit. If you want more details email me. The unfortunate thing is that the price is under what comparable apartments in the area are going for. I also really like the location, the lay out of the apartment itself and that it was fairly clean and painted when I moved in. They also do the floors each time someone moves out too. Animals are OK.
Oh man. That's a tough spot. I could help you locate studios/1BRs if you like. Let me know. The big studios in my building start around $650 and up. Would they be in your range? I could ask my manager if there are available spots. If you'd like to call/write to him directly, he is Jeremy (Phone: 716-886-5300 Email: jmitchell@bmgapt.com)
You are in a tough spot, if you didn't have the pets I would say just get some other 1 bedroom place (Haven't looked but I assume there are a ton), but with pets good luck on finding that. Is it possible that since the roommate backed out at the last moment (hey 2 going in on one place is the reason you 2 went with this place) that you could get a little bit of money from them, just as a way to buy you some time to find another roommate. That would be the right thing for them to do, it really would. If I knew of anyone looking for a place (I know no one really) or a good place I would let you know but I don't. I wish you luck..........