Toronto-based stand up comic Maggie Cassella hits the road (a bit) and tries out the city next door in the country next door - Hello BUFFALO!!! She has performed Because I Said Soâ„¢ for 20 summers in Provincetown, as well as in a whole mess of other places in North America. One show only Wednesday August 18th, 2010, at The Ninth Ward at Babeville, 341 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY. That's right, Babeville!!
For tix and info: Tickets at all outlets including Tops Markets, Babeville Box Office (M-F, 11am-5pm), charge by phone 888-112-6000 and online at$15 in advance, $18 at the door.

(no, joan rivers won't be there)

It is amazing. You just get the whole nutmegs and grind em up.
Oh wow, fresh nutmeg???!!
I probably will buy them at the COOP to start since I don't really use them at all I could just buy what I need. Now I got to see if (e:mike)'s Mom still has some basil for me from her garden. I have a nutmeg grinder that I love any opportunity to use.
@(e:jason), I made it before without the pine nuts and it was great so now I want to try it the other way.
You get a bag of pine nuts at Price Rite. $6 for about 6 oz.
Libertad, one more thing for you, if you omit the pine nuts you have the french version, pistou, still very legit!
Yes, the co-op does have pine nuts in bulk! I bought some just yesterday when I made some pesto for my linguine. When you enter, go straight all the way to the back right corner. They're around $35 per lb.
(e:libertad) - Tops & Wegmans have smaller quantities - 4oz probably. I've never checked the coop to see if they have pine nuts in bulk. I use pine nuts on salads, pierogies, tostadas & other stuff. Yummy!
(e:janelle) - the nutmeg adds a nice bit of depth to the pesto while the lemon juice adds a touch of tang and some preservative to reduce browning.
I was just at Guercio's and noticed they had pine nuts behind the counter and I was shocked at their price. It was $17 for a pretty good sized amount but I would only use a small portion of it. Any ideas where to get these in smaller quantities?
This is very close to my recipe. I made and froze three cups recently. But still have plenty of basil for more freezing. I think for my next batch I will try your recipe. I like the sound of nutmeg and lemon juice.