(e:Terry) and I saw a couple performances last night.
Ulysses' Crewmen by
Insurgent Theater
You Know This Girl by
C. Frances Fallon
I'm still not sure how I feel about Ulysses' Crewmen. It was very intense, and brutal, a raging critique of postmodern capitalism and the impossibility/futility of escape. Powerful acting. Causes discomfort. Playing tonight, 6:00 @ Sugar City and tomorrow at Broadway Market.
You Know This Girl: You gotta see it. Seriously excellent & funny one-woman show. Tonight, 7:30 @ Sugar City. You get merch for your $10 voluntary donation. She's goin' places.
Oh my god you are going to make me cry.
My summer doesn't start for real until tomorrow. don't tell me it's over!!
(e:fing) tried like every rotation on his droidX and they all seem to work. Try again.
Or maybe it is a sign of intense global warming and everything will just fry to a crisp.
I fixed the category bug in the android app but you will need to update the app. I am not sure why your image did not rotate. It is weird because rob is on the droidX and I think his looks normal. I set it to send me debugging info everytime someone posts from android so I can see what I it is sending. Try another and we can see.
I don't want this summer to end. It has been perfect in terms of the weather.
Picture didn't rotate! And the category field didn't show even tho i entered one. Thanks for the category field in the app!