Sorry for the radio silence. Life has been crazy. I lived on a couch for a few weeks and just moved into an apartment a few weeks ago. I am subletting from some dude and live in a room filled with his furniture. Which makes me feel guilty everytime I get jiggy on the bed.
Work is the crazy bit. It is 24/7 until Nov.2nd and then I will have some time to sleep, go out, and get jiggy with someone other than me.
Portland has a reputation for being filled with hipsters. They mostly keep to their side of town, which is great. And I promise, no hipster sensibilities are growing in me. Promise.
joshua - 07/23/10 18:52 Hey man, hope everything is cool. Sorry to hear about the whirlwind - hope you have found your way to at least enjoy yourself a little bit. I felt that the hipster quotient in Portland was relatively high. Very "alt" looking dress also, almost like the grunge period never really died. Lots of sweaty people. Kind of like Elmwood but all over the city.
This is a sample piece from a mail design firm we are considering
Fucking awesome!
james - 05/20/10 16:01 Oh, I see it! My gut hurt from laughing so much when I did. That is some awesome shit. I hope we go with them because of how I feel about this piece and how I feel about our opponent.
jason - 05/20/10 15:18 Actually I think it's pretty damn funny. C'mon, you've got to see the humor at least.
05/14/2010 14:35 #51565
And one hour later...
paul - 05/14/10 16:03 The weather has been so crazy. I am totally ready for full on summer so we can get our swim on.
05/14/2010 13:43 #51564
This is what 1PM looks like
heidi - 05/14/10 23:44 I drove by city hall around 1 and the top was just the barest hint of a shadow behind the fog. Crazy!
libertad - 05/14/10 14:03 Very bizarre! Like I have said before...
james - 05/14/10 13:43 Note, you can't see the liberty building, which is a block away.
05/13/2010 09:53 #51547
Life is a Cabaret
Doris Eaton Travis, the last living Ziegred Follies girl has died at the age of 106.
She first started dancing for the follies at the age of 14. During the height of the Great Depression she began teaching tap at the Arthur Murray school, eventually opening her own schools in Michigan.
In her 70s she earned a long-delayed high school diploma. She then devoted 11 years to acquiring a college degree, taking a course or two a semester at the University of Oklahoma. She graduated in 1992 at the age of 88 with a history major and a Phi Beta Kappa key. She was halfway to a master's degree when she decided to focus on her memoirs instead.
In 2007, Oakland University in Michigan gave Mrs. Travis an honorary doctorate. She responded by singing and dancing "Ballin' the Jack," a song popularized by Lillian Lorraine, a renowned Ziegfeld Follies' star.
A little more than two weeks ago Mrs. Travis returned to Broadway to appear again at the annual Easter Bonnet Competition held by Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, this time at the Minskoff Theater. She did a few kicks, apologizing that she no longer performed cartwheels.
Here is a video of her dancing at the age of 101
I feel like she has been more active in her last half century than I will have been in my first.
Hats off to you, Ms. Eaton Travis.
tinypliny - 05/13/10 22:23 WOW - she is 101 in that video?!
Wow! It's beyond amazing. What a life she has had!
paul - 05/13/10 21:51 Wow, she is so freakin pretty.
Hey man, hope everything is cool. Sorry to hear about the whirlwind - hope you have found your way to at least enjoy yourself a little bit. I felt that the hipster quotient in Portland was relatively high. Very "alt" looking dress also, almost like the grunge period never really died. Lots of sweaty people. Kind of like Elmwood but all over the city.
I miss you