From the makers of Jiz and the Holograms: the Golden Shower Girls!
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/29/2010 21:09 #52604
DAVE! MIKE! ZOMG EXPLOSION!08/19/2010 19:08 #52475
For MatthewCategory: movies
07/23/2010 17:02 #52260
HowdyHello everyone,
Sorry for the radio silence. Life has been crazy. I lived on a couch for a few weeks and just moved into an apartment a few weeks ago. I am subletting from some dude and live in a room filled with his furniture. Which makes me feel guilty everytime I get jiggy on the bed.
Work is the crazy bit. It is 24/7 until Nov.2nd and then I will have some time to sleep, go out, and get jiggy with someone other than me.
Portland has a reputation for being filled with hipsters. They mostly keep to their side of town, which is great. And I promise, no hipster sensibilities are growing in me. Promise.

Sorry for the radio silence. Life has been crazy. I lived on a couch for a few weeks and just moved into an apartment a few weeks ago. I am subletting from some dude and live in a room filled with his furniture. Which makes me feel guilty everytime I get jiggy on the bed.
Work is the crazy bit. It is 24/7 until Nov.2nd and then I will have some time to sleep, go out, and get jiggy with someone other than me.
Portland has a reputation for being filled with hipsters. They mostly keep to their side of town, which is great. And I promise, no hipster sensibilities are growing in me. Promise.

joshua - 07/23/10 18:52
Hey man, hope everything is cool. Sorry to hear about the whirlwind - hope you have found your way to at least enjoy yourself a little bit. I felt that the hipster quotient in Portland was relatively high. Very "alt" looking dress also, almost like the grunge period never really died. Lots of sweaty people. Kind of like Elmwood but all over the city.
Hey man, hope everything is cool. Sorry to hear about the whirlwind - hope you have found your way to at least enjoy yourself a little bit. I felt that the hipster quotient in Portland was relatively high. Very "alt" looking dress also, almost like the grunge period never really died. Lots of sweaty people. Kind of like Elmwood but all over the city.
paul - 07/23/10 17:12
I miss you
I miss you
05/19/2010 20:49 #51684
Mail firmThis is a sample piece from a mail design firm we are considering
Fucking awesome!

Fucking awesome!

james - 05/20/10 16:01
Oh, I see it! My gut hurt from laughing so much when I did. That is some awesome shit. I hope we go with them because of how I feel about this piece and how I feel about our opponent.
Oh, I see it! My gut hurt from laughing so much when I did. That is some awesome shit. I hope we go with them because of how I feel about this piece and how I feel about our opponent.
jason - 05/20/10 15:18
Actually I think it's pretty damn funny. C'mon, you've got to see the humor at least.
Actually I think it's pretty damn funny. C'mon, you've got to see the humor at least.
05/14/2010 14:35 #51565
And one hour later...
paul - 05/14/10 16:03
The weather has been so crazy. I am totally ready for full on summer so we can get our swim on.
The weather has been so crazy. I am totally ready for full on summer so we can get our swim on.
This is great. Mike and I definitely checked it out.
Whoa, I never caught that episode in regular format.